Publish a page by using the Portal Scripting Interface
View the Portal Scripting Interface syntax for publishing content.
JACL syntax for publishing a page:
- publishPage
- Use this property to publish the content page or hierarchy from the source server to the target server.
$Publish publishPage source_server userid password target_server userid password page_uniquename parent_uniquename sibling_uniquename server_uniquename include_children [true|false] stop_on_error [true|false]Example JACL code snippet for publishing a page:
$Publish publishPage wpsadmin wpsadmin wpsadmin wpsadmin testPage ibm.portal.Home null null true trueFor a full code example refer to Example JACL scripts for site management. Publish parameters:
- source_server userid password
- Provide the source server URL, user ID, and password with the appropriate values for your environment.
- target_server userid password
- Provide the target server URL, user ID, and password with the appropriate values for your environment.
- page_uniquename
- Provide the unique name of your page.
- parent_uniquename
- Provide the unique name of the parent page in the portal hierarchy.
- sibling_uniquename
- Provide the unique name of a sibling page, or specify null.
The published page will be inserted before that page in the sequence of sibling pages. If you want your page to be inserted as the last sibling page, specify the string null.
- server_uniquename
- To add the unique name of the target server to the published page metadata, enter the server unique name, or specify null.
If a server name is provided, the published page will be updated to include this string in the page metadata. The Resource Manger portlet can use this server identifier to automatically republish the page to the same server on subsequent publish attempts via the portlet.
If you do not want the page metadata to be updated, specify the string null as the value.
- include_children [true|false]
- This parameter determines whether children of the page will be published along with the page. Specify true or false.
- stop_on_error [true|false]
- This parameter determines whether to stop the publish process on the first error. Specify true or false.
Parent topic:
Site management extension of the Portal Scripting Interface
Related reference
Promote a page by using the Portal Scripting Interface
Demote a page by using the Portal Scripting Interface
Example JACL scripts for site management