Demote a page by using the Portal Scripting Interface
View the Portal Scripting Interface syntax for demoting content.
JACL syntax for demoting a page:
- demotePage
- Use this property to demote the content page or hierarchy on the target server.
$Publish demotePage targetserver userid password pageuniquename include_children [true|false] stop_on_error [true|false]Example JACL code snippet for demoting a page:
$Publish demotePage wpsadmin wpsadmin testPage true true
- target_server userid password
- Provide the target server URL, user ID, and password with the appropriate values for your environment.
- page_uniquename
- For the page unique name provide the object ID of your page.
- include_children [true|false]
- This parameter determines whether children of the page will be published along with the page. Specify true or false.
- stop_on_error [true|false]
- This parameter determines whether to stop the publish process on the first error. Specify true or false.
Parent topic:
Site management extension of the Portal Scripting Interface
Related reference
Publish a page by using the Portal Scripting Interface
Promote a page by using the Portal Scripting Interface
Example JACL scripts for site management