Interface RenderResponse

All Superinterfaces:
MimeResponse, PortletResponse
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface RenderResponse
extends MimeResponse

The RenderResponse defines an object to assist a portlet in sending a response to the portal. It extends the MimeResponse interface to provide specific render response functionality to portlets.
The portlet container creates a RenderResponse object and passes it as argument to the portlet's render method.

See Also:
RenderRequest, PortletResponse, MimeResponse

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface javax.portlet.MimeResponse
Method Summary
 void setContentType(java.lang.String type)
Sets the MIME type for the render response.
 void setNextPossiblePortletModes(java.util.Collection<PortletMode> portletModes)
This method allows the portlet to tell the portal the next possible portlet modes that the make sense from the portlet point of view.
 void setTitle(java.lang.String title)
This method sets the title of the portlet.
Methods inherited from interface javax.portlet.MimeResponse
createActionURL, createRenderURL, createResourceURL, flushBuffer, getBufferSize, getCacheControl, getCharacterEncoding, getContentType, getLocale, getPortletOutputStream, getWriter, isCommitted, reset, resetBuffer, setBufferSize
Methods inherited from interface javax.portlet.PortletResponse
addProperty, addProperty, addProperty, createElement, encodeURL, getNamespace, setProperty

Method Detail


void setTitle(java.lang.String title)
This method sets the title of the portlet.

The value can be a text String

title - portlet title as text String or resource URI


void setNextPossiblePortletModes(java.util.Collection<PortletMode> portletModes)
This method allows the portlet to tell the portal the next possible portlet modes that the make sense from the portlet point of view.

If set, the portal should honor these enumeration of portlet modes and only provide the end user with choices to the provided portlet modes or a subset of these modes based on access control considerations.

If the portlet does not set any next possible portlet modes the default is that all portlet modes that the portlet has defined supporting in the portlet deployment descriptor are meaningful new portlet modes.

portletModes - Enumeration of PortletMode objects with the next possible portlet modes that the make sense from the portlet point of view, must not be null or an empty enumeration.


void setContentType(java.lang.String type)
Sets the MIME type for the render response. The portlet should set the content type before calling MimeResponse.getWriter() or MimeResponse.getPortletOutputStream().

Calling setContentType after getWriter or getOutputStream does not change the content type.

The portlet container will ignore any character encoding specified as part of the content type for render calls.

Specified by:
setContentType in interface MimeResponse
type - the content MIME type
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given type is not in the list returned by PortletRequest.getResponseContentTypes
See Also:
PortletRequest.getResponseContentTypes(), MimeResponse.getContentType()

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