
This package defines the Credential Vault Portlet Service.


Interface Summary
CredentialSlotConfig Deprecated. since 6.0.
CredentialTypes Deprecated. since 6.0.
CredentialVaultService Deprecated. since 6.0.
VaultSegmentConfig Deprecated. since 6.0.

Class Summary
CredentialSecretNotSetException Deprecated. since 6.0.

Package Description

This package defines the Credential Vault Portlet Service. WebSphere Portal provides access to the Credential Vault via a portlet service. This service provides to portlets (and to the portal itself, for that matter) an API for mapping from a user identity (usually a user ID, more general a Principal) to another user identity and usually a credential such as a password for that user ID.

Portlets must no longer store user credentials as part of the user specific portlet data. Storing credentials in the portlet data is not a recommended way of achieving single sign-on. Such portlets should be migrated so that they make use of the Credential Vault.

Credentials are stored in Credential Slots. It is through a Credential Slot that user secrets are retrieved, created, modified, and deleted. Credential Slots are contained in Vault Segments. A segment can either be managed by the user and administrators, or by administrators only.

For a detailed description of the Credential Vault and its usage, please refer to the Info Center section on portlet services.

Important Note: The contents of this package is deprecated since version 6.0. Support of the IBM portlet API may be removed in a future release of WebSphere Portal. Use of the Java Portlet API (javax.portlet) is recommended instead.