
This package provides default implementations of the theme extension interfaces that may be sub-classed and reused by developers.


Interface Summary
ThemeContentDescriptorConstants Constants describing the xml attributes for a DefaultThemeContent.
ThemeItemDescriptorConstants The constants in this interface identify the various components of the xml describing an ThemeItem.
ThemeJspIncludeDescriptorConstants Constants describing the xml for declaring a DefaultThemeJspInclude

Class Summary
DefaultThemeContent The default implementation of ThemeContent.
DefaultThemeItem This class will retrieve the icon path for an extension.
DefaultThemeJspInclude The default implementation of ThemeJspInclude.
DefaultThemeLinkItem Creates a link to a portal page.
DefaultThemeTextItem Generates some text to contribute to a theme extension point.

Package Description

This package provides default implementations of the theme extension interfaces that may be sub-classed and reused by developers.

Package Specification

The implementations provided here may be sub-classed and reused by developers

Default extension points:

The table below describes the extension points included in the default theme. The ID field is the extension point identifier used in the plugin.xml. The Default Implementation field describes the interface which provides the information the default extension point requires. Type enforcement is not performed at runtime.

 ID   Description   Default Implementation   provides components with a method of adding data to the meta tags of a page   DefaultThemeTextItem   provides components with a method of contributing CSS styles to the page (either a link or embedded css)   DefaultThemeTextItem   provides components with a method of adding javascript to a page (either a link or actual js code)   DefaultThemeTextItem   provides components with a method of adding jsp content to the horizontal page bar   DefaultThemeJspInclude   provides components with a method of adding jsp content to the vertical page bar   DefaultThemeJspInclude   provides components with a method of adding an item to the main context menu   DefaultThemeLinkItem   provides components with a method of adding an item to the main context menu   DefaultThemeLinkItem   provides components with a method of adding an item to the portlet context menu   DefaultThemeLinkItem   provides components with a method of adding a flyout to the page   DefaultThemeJspInclude 

Extension point definition examples:

Please note that all markup in this section is implementation specific. The parsing of the plugin.xml is handled by the implementing extension through the setInitializationData method.

Defining a link extension:

<extension point="">
                <item id="AdministrationLink"
                         contentNode="wps.Administration" / >
Defining a jsp include extension:

<extension point="">
        <include id="PeopleAwareFlyout"
                    jsp="PeopleFlyout.jsp" />