
This package and its subpackages define the API for the extension points for the Struts application Struts Portlet Framework.


Interface Summary
PortletInfoSupplier PortletInfoSupplier is used in WPS Struts extension classes to supply portlet config and context information.
StrutsBaseConstants The StrutsBaseConstants class contains constants used throughout the WPS Struts portlet implementation.
StrutsConstants The StrutsConstants class contains constants used throughout the WPS Struts portlet implementation.

Class Summary
ErrorResponseInfo The ErrorResponseInfo class is used to support sendError in the Struts Portlet Framework.
PortletPreferencesUserConfigurationDataStore PortletPreferencesUserConfigurationDataStore is a IUserConfigurationDataStore implementation for use within WebSphere Portal.
StrutsInfo The StrutsInfo class contains information used throughout the WPS Struts portlet implementation.
StrutsPortlet Class specified in the portlet deployment descriptor for Struts-based portlets.
WpActionServlet The WpActionServlet extends the Struts ActionServlet.
WpRequestProcessor WpRequestProcessor contains the processing logic that the Struts controller portlet performs as it receives each request from the container.
WpTilesRequestProcessor WpTilesRequestProcessor contains the processing logic that the Struts controller servlet performs as it receives each servlet request from the container.

Exception Summary
MaxChainingExceededException MaxChainingExceededException can be detected by global exception handlers.
StrutsException This exception is used as a base class for Portal Struts Framework exceptions.

Package Description

This package and its subpackages define the API for the extension points for the Struts application Struts Portlet Framework.

The API defined in this package can be used with the Standard versions of the Struts Portlet Framework. The classes in this package are used to extend the Struts application in the Portal environment.