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Interface Summary | |
CannotDecodeStateFromStringException.Location | Location of the error |
Exception Summary | |
AccessorException | Base exception which is supposed to be thrown when an accessor factory type cannot be mapped to a corresponding factory implementation class. |
CannotCloneDocumentModelException | Exception representing the error case that a given DocumentModel cannot be cloned (e.g. |
CannotCreateDocumentException | Exception representing the error case that a document model factory cannot create a new state document (a DocumentModel). |
CannotDecodeStateException | Exception representing the error case that an input mediator cannot decode the state holder retrieved from a request URL. |
CannotDecodeStateFromStringException | Exception representing the error case that an input mediator cannot decode the state holder retrieved from a URL |
CannotInstantiateAccessorException | Exception representing the error case that a particular accessor factory specified in a config resource (e.g. |
CannotInterpretCodecException | Exception representing the error case that the codec information
that has been encoded into a URL cannot be interpreted. The codec indicates how to decode the state portion of the URL. |
CannotInterpretStateException | The state could be decoded but the content could not be interpreted. |
CannotRetrieveUrlException | Exception representing the error case that the URL cannot be retrieved from the current servlet request. |
DocumentModelException | Base exception for document model-related exceptions. |
InputMediatorException | Base exception for all input mediator exceptions. |
InputMediatorSAXException | Specific input mediator exception wrapping a SAXException .
InvalidConstantException | Exception representing the error case that a constant object cannot be recognized. |
InvalidPropertyException | Exception representing the error case that a property (in particular the property value) specified in a properties file is considered as incorrect. |
MissingPropertyException | Exception representing the error case that a mandatory property has not been specified in a particular properties file. |
NoCodecInUrlException | Exception representing the error case that an input mediator cannot retrieve any codec information from the received URL. |
OutputMediatorException | Base exception for all output mediator exceptions. |
OutputMediatorSAXException | Custom exception which wraps a SAXException .
PostProcessorException | Exception representing the error case that a post processor cannot perform its task properly. |
PreProcessorException | Exception representing the error case that a preprocessor cannot perform its task properly. |
PropertyException | Base exception for all error cases occuring when trying to initialize a class via a properties file. |
StateException | Root exception for all state related exceptions. |
StateManagerException | Exception which is thrown in the case that the state manager could not be instantiated, initialized, or configured properly. |
StateManagerInitException | Exception which is thrown in the case that the state manager could not be initialized properly (e.g. |
StateManagerInstantiationException | Exception which is thrown in the case that the state manager could not be instantiated properly. |
StateParameterException | Base class for exceptions thrown by com.ibm.portal.state.service.StateParameterService |
StorageException | Base exceptions for all exceptions occuring during the processing of the storage phase. |
UnknownAccessorTypeException | Exception representing the error case that a given accessor type cannot be mapped to a concrete implementation class. |
UnknownStateFormatException | Exception representing the error case that a state holder retrieved from a URL cannot be decoded due to a unknown format. |
UrlDoesNotContainInformationException | The URL does not contain enough information to be parseable |
UrlInputMediatorException | Base exception for all exceptions occuring in a URL input mediator. |
This package contains the exceptions used by the state interfaces.
This package contains the exceptions used by the state interfaces.
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