Interface DocumentController

All Superinterfaces:
Disposable, DocumentModel

public interface DocumentController
extends DocumentModel

Controller interface on the document model. You may change the model's topology and the nodes' values only via this model facade.
There are three different types of possible modification:

Each method describes to which modification category it belongs to


Method Summary
 Node addAttribute(Node node, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value)
          Modifies the content of the attribute of a node.
 Node clearAttributes(Node node)
          Removes all attributes from a node, so the getAttributes method will return null or an empty attributes set.
 Node create(java.lang.String url, java.lang.String name)
          Creates a new node without adding it to the document's topology.
 Node insert(Node newNode, Node nextNode, Node parent)
          Inserts a node into the list of children of another node.
 Node remove(Node node)
          Removes this node as the child of its current parent.
 Node removeAttribute(Node node, java.lang.String name)
          Removes an attribute from a node.
 Node resolve(Node node)
          Resolves a node of the document model to the reference of this very node that is the least recent.
 Node setAttributes(Node node, org.xml.sax.Attributes attrs)
          Overrides all attributes of a node with new values
 Node setValue(Node node, java.lang.String value)
          Modifies the content of a node.
Methods inherited from interface
getAttributes, getChildren, getParent, getRoot, hasAttributes, hasChildren
Methods inherited from interface

Method Detail


Node setValue(Node node,
              java.lang.String value)
Modifies the content of a node. The reference to the original node is not guaranteed to be valid after a call to this method. Instead, the new reference will be returned.

node - Node from this model (must not be null)
value - new value (may be null)
reference to the modified node (can be the same as the incoming node, but may also be differnt)


Node addAttribute(Node node,
                  java.lang.String name,
                  java.lang.String value)
Modifies the content of the attribute of a node. The reference to the original node is not guaranteed to be valid after a call to this method. Instead, the new reference will be returned.

node - Node from this model (must not be null)
name - name of the attribute to add
value - new value (may be null)
reference to the modified node (can be the same as the incoming node, but may also be differnt)


Node setAttributes(Node node,
                   org.xml.sax.Attributes attrs)
Overrides all attributes of a node with new values

node - node to overwrite the parameters of
attrs - new set of parameters (may be null)
reference to the modified node (can be the same as the incoming node, but may also be differnt)


Node create(java.lang.String url,
            java.lang.String name)
Creates a new node without adding it to the document's topology.

url - Namespace URI of the node
name - Name of the node (must not be null)
reference to the new node (not null)


Node insert(Node newNode,
            Node nextNode,
            Node parent)
Inserts a node into the list of children of another node. The node may be inserted BEFORE a specifc element or added to the end of the list. If a node is inserted that already has a parent, then the old parent-child relationship will be removed before the node is insered. This is equivalent to moving the node from one position to another position.

newNode - Node to be inserted (must not be null)
nextNode - Node that will be shifted by one position to the right (i.e. the new node will be inserted before nextNode. If nextNode is null then the new node will be inserted as the last element of the child list.
parent - Node that acts as the NEW parent. The nextNode must already be a child of this new parent (if it is not null). The parent itself must not be null.
Returns the parent node or a clone if the implementation decides to clone the parent node to fulfil this operation. Callers MUST use the resulting parent node for subsequent operations on the parent or query the parent node again.


Node remove(Node node)
Removes this node as the child of its current parent. If there is no such parent, nothing happends. Even after removal the node stays part of the document model (but not part of the model's hierarchy). It is not possible to completely delete a node, once created the model will always keep a reference.

node - Node to be removed (must not be null)
Returns the parent node or a clone if the implementation decides to clone the parent node to fulfil this operation. Callers MUST use the resulting parent node for subsequent operations on the parent or query the parent node again.


Node removeAttribute(Node node,
                     java.lang.String name)
Removes an attribute from a node. The attributes stays part of the document model event after removing it from a node. It is not possible to completely remove an attribute from a model. The attribute can only be removed if is has been associated with a node node.

node - node to remove the attribute from
name - Attribute name to be removed (must not be null)
Node the attribute has been attached to (cannot be null by contract above). This value invalidates all references to the parent node that have been obtained earlier.


Node clearAttributes(Node node)
Removes all attributes from a node, so the getAttributes method will return null or an empty attributes set.

node - node to remove the attributes from (must not be null)
The resolved node


Node resolve(Node node)
Resolves a node of the document model to the reference of this very node that is the least recent.

node - node to be resolved
the resolved node, i.e. either the most recent instance or the input node itself