
This package contains accessor to read and write different aspects of the state.


Interface Summary
Accessor Identifies an object or an interface as an accessor interface.
AccessorFactory Tagging interface to be sub-classed by specific accessor factory interfaces.
StateAccessor Provides read access to the state holder based on a given request.
StateAccessorController Provides read-write access to the state holder based on a given request.
StateAccessorFactory Factory for getting the read-only or read-write state accessors.

Package Description

This package contains accessor to read and write different aspects of the state.

Package Specification

The state stored in the StateHolder can be read and manipulated using the accessor in this package. For each aspect of the state a own subpackage exists that contains the corresponding factory, read access, and controller for write access.

To get an instance of an accessor, you need to get an accessor factory first. One instance of such an accessor factory can then be used to get accessors for different states. However accessor factories and accessors may not be passed over thread boundaries.
Accessors need to be disposed via the dispose() method.

Accessor factories are in turn accessed via the state manager's getAccessorFactory method.