
This package contains the command layer for triggering Sitemanagement scenarios.


Interface Summary
DemoteCommand The DemoteCommand moves a promoted resource back into the publish state and in case there is a bacckup version available this one gets moved back into live state.
PromoteCommand The PromoteCommand is responsible for transfering resources from published state into the live state.
PublishCommand The PublishCommand transfers the specified resource between two servers.
SitemanagementCommand This is the general sitemanagement command interface.
SitemanagementCommandContext<T> A tagging interface for creation contexts which can be used on SitemanagementCommandFactory.createCommand(Class, SitemanagementCommandContext)
SitemanagementCommandContextFactory Factory interface for providing SitemanagementCommandContext objects.
SitemanagementCommandFactory This interface provides access to SitemanagementCommand objects to avoid direct object creation.

Enum Summary
PromoteCommand.Method Method interface which describes promote method to use.

Package Description

This package contains the command layer for triggering Sitemanagement scenarios.

There are three different commands are available

Here is a sample how to trigger a PublishCommand

        protected final SitemanagementCommandFactory CMD_FACTORY = ...
        protected final SitemanagementCommandContextFactory CTX_FACTORY = ...
        protected final ServerInfoList SERVER_LIST  = ...

        public static void processPublish(final ObjectID oid, final boolean hierarchy) throws IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException, SitemanagementCommandException {

                ServerInfo source = (ServerInfo)SERVER_LIST.getLocator().findByUniqueName("source");
                ServerInfo target = (ServerInfo)SERVER_LIST.getLocator().findByUniqueName("target");
                SitemanagementCommandContext<PublishCommand> ctx = CTX_FACTORY.createPublishCommandContext(source,target);
                PublishCommand cmd = CMD_FACTORY.createCommand(PublishCommand.class, ctx);