Interface GlobalizationPreferencesService

public interface GlobalizationPreferencesService

Portal service to retrieve the globalization preferences. This service takes a Portal User object and reads each user's custom preferences and instantiates a instance. The implementation caches default GlobalizationPreferences for each locale. GlobalizationPreferences can be read-only after configuration is set. Multiple users can share a single instance of the GlobalizationPreferences object.

Use the WebSphere Portal JNDI portlet service lookup mechanism to locate the GlobalizationPreferencesService implementation.

Usage Example:

 javax.naming.Context ctx = new javax.naming.InitialContext();
 GlobalalizationPreferencesService service = null;
 try {
     service = (GlobalizationPreferencesService) ctx.lookup(GlobalizationPreferencesService.JNDI_NAME);
 } catch(javax.naming.NameNotFoundException ex) {
     ... error handling ...
 if (service != null) {
    GlobalizationPreferences preferences = service.getGlobalizationPreferences(user, acceptLanguageHeader);


Field Summary
static java.lang.String JNDI_NAME
          The JNDI name that can be used to lookup instances of this service
Method Summary getGlobalizationPreferences( user, java.lang.String acceptLanguageHeader)
          Retrieves the user's GlobalizationPreferences object if user is defined and not null, otherwise tries to create a new set of preferences based on the accept-language header if defined and not null.

Field Detail


static final java.lang.String JNDI_NAME
The JNDI name that can be used to lookup instances of this service

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail

getGlobalizationPreferences getGlobalizationPreferences( user,
                                                                       java.lang.String acceptLanguageHeader)
Retrieves the user's GlobalizationPreferences object if user is defined and not null, otherwise tries to create a new set of preferences based on the accept-language header if defined and not null. If no parameters are defined then the service will use the configured default locale and create a new set of preferences.

user - The user in which the GlobalizationPreferences object will be retrieved, allowed to be null.
acceptLang - The accept-language header from the browser settings, allowed to be null.
the GlobalizationPreferences object which contains bundled localization information specific to a user or locale.