Interface MultipartStream

All Known Implementing Classes:
MultipartInputStream, MultipartOutputStream

public interface MultipartStream

Common functionality across the MultipartInputStream and the MultipartOutputStream


Nested Class Summary
static interface MultipartStream.Entry
          This class is used to represent a multipart stream entry.
Field Summary
static java.lang.String CONTENT_TYPE_FORM_DATA
          mime type constants
static java.lang.String KEY_CONTENT_DISPOSITION
          key in the headers of each mime entry for the content disposition
static java.lang.String KEY_FILENAME
          The name of the content-disposition key that identifies the filename for a file upload part *
static java.lang.String KEY_MIME_BOUNDARY
          key in the content type that denotes the MIME boundary
static java.lang.String KEY_NAME
          key inside the content-disposition header for the name of an input field
static java.lang.String VALUE_FORM_DATA
          identification of a content disposition that identifies a form field
Method Summary
 void closeEntry()
          Closes the current multipart entry and positions the stream for the next entry

Field Detail


static final java.lang.String KEY_FILENAME
The name of the content-disposition key that identifies the filename for a file upload part *

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String CONTENT_TYPE_FORM_DATA
mime type constants

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String KEY_CONTENT_DISPOSITION
key in the headers of each mime entry for the content disposition

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String KEY_MIME_BOUNDARY
key in the content type that denotes the MIME boundary

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String KEY_NAME
key inside the content-disposition header for the name of an input field

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String VALUE_FORM_DATA
identification of a content disposition that identifies a form field

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


void closeEntry()
Closes the current multipart entry and positions the stream for the next entry

Throws: - if an I/O error has occurred