
Exceptions defined by the URI resolution framework.


Exception Summary
AccessControlFailedException Thrown if a resource requires particular access control rights
EntityDeletedException An entity was not found on the server because it has been deleted
EntityNotFoundException An entity (service, resource) could not be found
LocalizedIOException Helper exception to wrap localization information into a SAXException
LocalizedSAXException Helper exception to wrap localization information into a SAXException
ObjectIDDeletedException A resource that can be identified by an objectID has been deleted.
ObjectIDNotFoundException An objectID could not be located
ResolutionException Baseclass for the exceptions that can occur during the resolution process
ResourceDeletedException A resource has been deleted
ResourceNotFoundException A particular resource could not be located
ServiceNotFoundException A service required during the resolution process could not be found

Package Description

Exceptions defined by the URI resolution framework.

Package Specification

Exceptions of the URI framework. Each exception implements the Localized interface as required by the portal programming model.