Interface Variable

All Superinterfaces:

public interface Variable
extends Localized

Variable represents an application component parameter variable, or point of variability. When parameters are stored in an application template, values must be provided for those parameters whenever an application is created from the template. This allows each application created from the template to be configured as needed, so that one template can be used to create applcations that behave differently, depending on their parameter values.


Field Summary
static java.lang.String APPLICATION_ID
          Predefined variable name for variables that contain the ID of the composite application.
static java.lang.String ID
          Predefined variable name for variables that contain the ID of a business component.
static java.lang.String STRING
          Predefined variable type for variables that contain string values.
static java.lang.String TEXT
          Predefined variable type for variables that contain text values that are localized.
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getType()
          Returns the type of this variable.
 java.lang.Object getValue()
          Returns the value of this variable.
 java.lang.String getVariableName()
          Returns the name that identifies this Variable.
Methods inherited from interface
getDescription, getLocales, getTitle

Field Detail


static final java.lang.String ID
Predefined variable name for variables that contain the ID of a business component.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String APPLICATION_ID
Predefined variable name for variables that contain the ID of the composite application.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String STRING
Predefined variable type for variables that contain string values.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String TEXT
Predefined variable type for variables that contain text values that are localized. Text values are java.util.Map objects that contain java.util.Locale keys and String values.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


java.lang.String getVariableName()
Returns the name that identifies this Variable. The name has to be unique within the application. E.g. you could use a pattern for your names as you would for java packages / classes: com...

the variable name


java.lang.String getType()
Returns the type of this variable. Depending on the return value of this method the object returned by get value must be handled accordingly. E.g. for the type Variable.STRING the value is a String or for the type Variable.TEXT the value is a map containing localized Strings (the keys are java.util.Locale objects).

The type of this variable.


java.lang.Object getValue()
Returns the value of this variable.

Variable value string.