Portal, V6.1
Work with federated content
Use the federated content element to display content from IBM DB2 Content Manager.
To use the federated content element, first install IBM Information Integrator for Content 8.2 with Fix Pack 7, or IBM Information Integrator for Content 8.3.
To use the federated content element, IBM Information Integrator for Content libraries need to be added to the classpath of the WAS running IBM Lotus WCM ™. refer to IBM Information Integrator for Content documentation for the list of libraries.
- The IBM Content Manager libraries will also be required in the classpath when incorporating content from IBM Content Manager into WCM content.
- Be sure to have run the DB2 and Information Integrator for Content environment variable scripts (usually db2profile and cmbenv81) in the user environment from which the WebSphere server running WCM is started.
Not all languages supported by IBM Workplace WCM are supported by IBM Information Integrator for Content.
- Federated content data source configuration
To use the federated content component, first configure your WCM Server to link to a federated data source. Only one federated data source can be used per Web content server.- Federated content element
A federated content element stores a reference to federated content such as IBM Content Manager content.- Referencing a Federated content element
The federated content element tag is used to reference a federated content element within a presentation template or element design.- Referencing a Federated content component
The federated content component tag is used to reference a federated content component.
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