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Portal, V6.1


Post migration data update

After you have migrated your version 6.0 system to a version 6.1 system, and successfully tested your version 6.1 system, you can update your version 6.1 data from the latest version 6.0 data.

When you perform a post migration data update you will lose any changes you have made to the data you initially migrated. You should avoid changing the data you initially migrated on your version 6.1 server and only use it to initially setup and test your version 6.1 environment. If continue adding content to your site, continue to do so on your version 6.0 system and then perform a post-migration data update to your version 6.1 servers.

  1. Delete the data you initially migrated from your version 6.1 primary server.

  2. Recopy your JCR data from your version 6.0 system and connect your version 6.1 primary server to the copied data repository. See Sharing JCR domain data for details.

  3. Run the ConfigEngine. {sh | bat} update-nodetypes from the...


    ...directory of your new system to upgrade your Web content node types and indexes.

    • Windows:

      ConfigEngine.bat update-nodetypes -DWasUserId=username -DWasPassword=wpsadmin -DPreviousPortalVersion=SourcePortalVersion -Dinitial.wcm.nodetype.version=SourceWCM nodetypeV-DbackupDirectory=directory

    • UNIX:

      ./ConfigEngine.sh update-nodetypes -DWasUserId=username -DWasPassword=wpsadmin -DPreviousPortalVersion=SourcePortalVersion -Dinitial.wcm.nodetype.version=SourceWCM nodetypeV-DbackupDirectory=directory

    • i5/OS:

      ConfigEngine.sh -profileName update-nodetypes -DWasUserId=username -DWasPassword=wpsadmin -DPreviousPortalVersion=SourcePortalV-Dinitial.wcm.nodetype.version=SourceWCM nodetypeVersion -DbackupDirectory=directory


    Replace this with the version of your current 6.0 server. This can be either:




    source WCM nodetype version:

    Replace this with the current Web content nodetype version. This is either:

    • 1 for any versions prior to

    • 2 for versions and

    • 3 for any versions higher than


    Directory where data from the earlier server is stored for subsequent use. If this directory does not exist, the portal-pre-upgrade task creates it. For example, if you specify mybackup, the migration stores the data under the mybackup.

  4. Reset the event log to ensure that items are syndicated correctly when
    syndication is enabled. See Resetting the Web content event log for further information.

  5. Syndicate the updated data from your version 6.1 primary server to the other servers in your system.


Parent topic

Migrating version 6.0 Web content