Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


Siebel View and Form builder inputs

This topic describes the inputs for the Siebel View & Form builder.

Table 1. General input
Input Name Description
Name Name for this builder call. The WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer displays this name in the builder call list.



Table 2. Connection inputs
Input Name Description
Properties File Enter the name of the properties file to be used to establish a connection with the backend Siebel server.

Example: my_siebel.properties

Note: This file must be located in the WEB-INF/config/siebel_config directory

Test Connection Button Press this button to test the builder's connection to the Siebel server. If the connection is successful, a connection confirmation dialog is displayed.

If the connection is unsuccessful, an error dialog will be displayed with information about why the builder was unable to contact the Siebel server.

The connection properties are taken from the properties file defined for the builder and any overrides you specified in the Connection Override advanced group. If you have connection problems remember to review both inputs for correctness.

Runtime Credentials Select the type of credentials to use at runtime to access the Siebel server. You can choose:

Use same credentials properties for all users

To use the user name and password credentials specified in the .properties file regardless of which user is running the Siebel builder.

Specify execution credentials

To specify a user name and password that will be used by this builder at runtime to access the Siebel server.
Execution User Name This input is available when Specify Execution Credentials is selected as the Runtime Credentials input.

Specify an indirect reference to the location used to store the Siebel user name. This location might be a variable or method result.

Execution Password This input is available when Specify Execution Credentials is selected as the Runtime Credentials input.

Specify an indirect reference to the location used to store the password.


Business Component Selection

Table 3. Business Component Selection inputs
Input Name Description
Get Business Object and Business Component Names Button Press this button to get a list of Business Objects and Components available on the Siebel server.

If successful, the Business Object input picker will list the available Business Objects. Interfaces.

If the operation was unsuccessful, an error dialog will be displayed with information about why the builder was unable to get the list of Business Object Interfaces.

Note: If the picker does not list any Business Objects, or you don t see the expected list of names, then the user name provided by the properties file may not have permission to access any Business Objects and Components.

Business Component

Select the name of the Siebel Business Component to be accessed by this builder.

Note: Once you select a Business Object, the Business Component selection list will be populated with the components available in that Business Object.

View Mode

Select a view mode.

Note: These are standard Siebel definitions that control the visibility of fields of a Business Component. The usual choice is Personal. See your Siebel documentation for more information.

You can choose:

  • Sales Rep

  • Manager

  • Personal

  • All

  • Organization

  • Group

  • Catalog

  • Sub Organization
Access Info This read-only field will display the delete, insert, and update status/characteristics of the selected Business Component.


Field Selection

Table 4. Field Selection inputs
Input Name Description
Copy Summary field choices to detail fields Press to copy the currently selected (true) fields in the left hand (summary) column of the Field Choices table to the detail column. Copied items will be merged with any other choices already there.

You may need to close the builder and reopen it for the widgets to refresh to show the new values.

Clear summary field choices Press to clear all the summary field choices in the Field Choices table, setting all the values to false.

You may need to close the builder and reopen it for the widgets to refresh to show the new values

Clear detail field choices Press to clear all the detail field choices in the Field Choices table, setting all the values to false.

You may need to close the builder and reopen it for the widgets to refresh to show the new value

Field Choices Use this table to select the fields of the Business Component that you want to have available in Summary and Detail operations on the Business Component.

Fields selected will be indicated in the name_DetailFieldNames and name_SummaryFieldNames variables that are generated in the WebApp, and will be the fields of the Business Component that are activated and returned in data retrieval and save operations.

Note: Fields chosen here, and then fed via the name_DetailRow and name_SearchResults variables to DataPage builders for display, can be hidden in those displayed pages using other builders such as Data Field Modifier and Data Column Modifier.

Note: The order of the fields (which is by default alphabetic) can be changed simply by dragging a desired row up or down the table. This action feeds into the generated schema and the variables generated and becomes the default order of the fields seen when displayed using Data Page with Make UI from Schema selected.

The field name showing in the 3rd column is the Siebel field name.

The 4th column (Attributes) shows selected metadata information on that field gathered from Siebel. Values shown, if set, are "required", "calculated" and "readOnly". Typically you would not choose a "calculated" field for a detail view, since the detail view can be used for record creation.


Connection Override

Table 5. Connection Override inputs
Input Name Description
Connection String Use this input to override the "ConnectString" property specified in the connection properties file.

You might want to do this if you need to use a different Siebel server than the one specified in the properties file or you want to profile the selection of the Siebel server.


User Name Use this input to override the "UserName" property specified in the connection properties file.

You might want to do this if you need to use different credentials than the ones specified in the properties file

Password Use this input to override the "Password" property specified in the connection properties file.

You might want to do this if you need to use different credentials than the ones specified in the properties file


Query Page Options

Table 6. Query Page Options inputs
Input Name Description
Create Query Page Enable this check box to cause the builder to create a query page.

This will cause the builder to generate a page with the inputs for the chosen summary fields. The page will be wired to display matching Business Component results when the Submit button is pressed.

Query Page URL Select an HTML page to be used as the basis for an input page.

This page must contain certain named elements so that the builder knows where to place the pages content. See the factory/pages/siebel_querypage.html page for an example.

Alternately, you can use the default HTML template named siebel_inputform.html to create a generic looking Input page. This page already contains the required elements named input_form, "input_data, and submit_button.

HTML Template File Select an HTML Page Automation template file that will be used to generate the Query page.

Note: When an HTML Template files is in use, a number of inputs that have to do with HTML class name generation will not be displayed.

Query Page Type Specify the type of view page that will be created. You can choose:

Create fields from schema

To have page fields created automatically based on the Siebel Component Interface schema.

Use fields from imported HTML

To base page fields on those present in the HTML of the page specified in the Input Page HTML input above.


Search Results Page Options

Table 7. Search Results Page Options inputs
Input Name Description
Create Search Results Page Enable this check box to create a Search Results page.

If a Query page is enabled, the Search Results page will display the matching records.

If a Query page is not enabled, the Search Results page is the first page displayed and it will show all the Business Component records.

Search Results Page URL

Select an HTML page to be used as the basis for the Search Results page.

This page must contain certain named elements so that the builder knows where to place the pages content. See the factory/pages/siebel_view.html page for an example.

Alternately, you can use the default HTML page named siebel_view.html to create a generic Search Results page. This page already contains the required elements named data and paging_buttons

Enable Search Results Paging Whether or not to display a paged view of the search results. By default a paged view is enabled.
Data Paging Page Size Number of search results rows to display per page. If no value is given, then each page will contain 10 rows.
Search Results Back Button Label Enter label text or an indirect reference to the text to be used as a label for the Back button. This button will return the user to the Query page (if Query page is enabled).

For example: "Return to Query Page" or "Back".

HTML Template File Select an HTML Page Automation template file that will be used to generate the Search Results page.

Note: When an HTML Template files is in use, a number of inputs that have to do with HTML class name generation will not be displayed.

Search Results Page Type Specify the type of Input page that will be created. You can choose:

Create fields from schema

To have page fields created automatically based on the Siebel Component Interface schema.

Use fields from imported HTML

To base page fields on those present in the HTML of the page specified in the Search Results page input above.


Detail Page Options

Table 8. Detail Page Options inputs
Input Name Description
Create Detail Page Enable this check box to create a Business Component Detail page.

This page is used to display the detailed content of a Business Component record, showing the field values selected in the Detail column of the Field Choices table.

Detail Page URL Select an HTML page to be used as the basis for the Detail page.

This page must contain certain named elements so that the builder knows where to place the pages content. See the factory/pages/siebel_detailpage.html page for an example.

Alternately, you can use the default HTML page named siebel_detailpage.html to create a generic Detail page. This page already contains the required elements named data, edit_button, and cancel_button.

HTML Template File Select an HTML Page Automation template file that will be used to generate the Detail page.

Note: When an HTML Template files is in use, a number of inputs that have to do with HTML class name generation will not be displayed.

Detail Page Type Specify the type of Detail page that will be created. You can choose:

Create fields from function schema

To have page fields created automatically based on the Siebel Component Interface schema.

Use fields from imported HTML

To base page fields on those present in the HTML of the page specified in the Detail page input above.
Search Results Detail Link Tag Filed in the search results that will hold a link to the Detail page for that record.

When you choose the Summary fields in the Field Choices table, this input will be populated with those values as selection choices.

Edit Label Text Enter the label text or an indirect reference to the text to be used as a label for the Edit button.

This button will take user from the Detail page to the Edit page id Edit functionality is enabled.

Cancel Label Text Enter the label text or an indirect reference to the text to be used as a label for the Cancel button.

This button will take user from the Detail page to the Search results page.


Edit Page Options

Table 9. Edit Page Options inputs
Input Name Description
Edit Page URL Select an HTML page to be used as the basis for the Edit page.

This page must contain certain named elements so that the builder knows where to place the pages content. See the factory/pages/siebel_editpage.html page for an example.

Alternately, you can use the default HTML page named siebel_editpage.html to create a generic Edit page. This page already contains the required elements named input_form, input_data, submit_button, and cancel_button

HTML Template File Select an HTML Page Automation template file that will be used to generate the Edit page.

Note: When an HTML Template files is in use, a number of inputs that have to do with HTML class name generation will not be displayed.

Edit Page Type Specify the type of Edit page that will be created. You can choose:

Create fields from schema

To have page fields created automatically based on the Siebel Component Interface schema.

Use fields from imported HTML

To base page fields on those present in the HTML of the page specified in the Edit Page input above.
Cancel Label text Enter the label text or an indirect reference to the text to be used as a label for the Cancel button.

This button will return control to the Detail page.


Create Page Options

Table 10. Create Page Options inputs
Input Name Description
Create Create Page Enable this check box to create a Business Component Create page. This page is used to add a record to a Business Component.

There are two ways you can add "Create" functionality to a Search Results page. The builder allows you to add buttons to the page that support:

Creating a new record

To add a new record to the database.

Copying a Record

To duplicate an existing record and save it in the database

Note: Fields indicated as "readOnly" or "calculated" in the attribs column of the Field Selection (if they are selected for the Detail view) must be filtered out of the Create screen using Data Column Modifier builder. Submitting these types of fields on a Create page will cause Siebel to return a "not writeable" error.

Add "Create New" Button on Search Results Enable to place a button on the Search Results page which, when pressed, will display an empty form for the creation of a new record.
"Create New" Button Label Text Enter the label text or an indirect reference to the text to be used as a label for the Create New button.

This button will take user from the Search Results page to an empty form for the creation of a new record.

Add "Create Copy" column to search results Enable to add l column to Search Results page that provides links that support "Create Copy" functionality.
Column Name for Create Copy Link Specify a column heading for the Create Copy column.

Note: This field can be left blank.

Create Copy Link Text Enter the text string used for the Create Copy link.

For example: Copy

HTML Template File Select an HTML Page Automation template file that will be used to generate the Create page.

Note: When an HTML Template files is in use, a number of inputs that have to do with HTML class name generation will not be displayed.

Create Page Type Specify the type of Create page that will be created. You can choose:

Create fields from schema

To have page fields created automatically based on the Siebel Component Interface schema.

Use fields from imported HTML

To base page fields on those present in the HTML of the page specified in the Edit Page input above.
Create Page URL Select an HTML page to be used as the basis for the Edit page.

This page must contain certain named elements so that the builder knows where to place the pages content. See the factory/pages/siebel_createpage.html page for an example.

Alternately, you can use the default HTML page named siebel_createpage.html to create a generic Edit page. This page already contains the required elements named input_form, input_data, submit_button, and cancel_button

"Cancel" Label Text Enter the text string to be used on the Cancel button. This button will return control to the Search Results page.

For example: "Cancel", "Quit", "Exit"


Delete Options

Table 11. Delete Options inputs
Input Name Description
Enable Delete from Search Results Enable this check box to create a Delete column in the Search Results page.

This column will be used to remove a record from a Business Component.

Delete from Search Column label Enter text to be displayed as column heading for Delete column.

Example: "Delete" or "Remove"

Delete from Search Link Text Enter text to be used for the Delete link within the Delete column.
Confirm Delete Enable to display a delete confirmation message to user before delete occurs.
Confirm Delete Text Enter text to be displayed as Delete Confirmation message.


Sample/Custom HTML

Table 12. Sample/Custom HTML inputs
Input Name Description
Create Sample Query Page This input is available when the builder is configured to create an Query page.

Press this button to generate a sample HTML Input page based on the builder inputs you've specified.

Generating sample HTML is a good practice and can serve as a starting point for using custom HTML.

Create Sample Search Results Page This input is available when the builder is configured to create a Search Results page.

Press this button to generate a sample HTML Search Results page based on the builder inputs you've specified.

Generating sample HTML is a good practice and can serve as a starting point for using custom HTML.

Create Sample Detail Page This input is available when the builder is configured to create a Component Interface Detail page.

Press this button to generate a sample HTML Detail page based on the builder inputs you've specified.

Generating sample HTML is a good practice and can serve as a starting point for using custom HTML.

Create Sample Edit Page This input is available when the builder is configured to create an Edit page.

Press this button to generate a sample HTML Edit page based on the builder inputs you've specified.

Generating sample HTML is a good practice and can serve as a starting point for using custom HTML.

Create Sample Create Page This input is available when the builder is configured to create a Create page.

Click this button to generate a sample HTML Create page based on the builder inputs you've specified.

Generating sample HTML is a good practice and can serve as a starting point for using custom HTML.



Table 13. Advanced input
Input Name Description
Generate Main Action List Enable this check box to allow this builder to automatically generate a Main action. This action will display one of several pages depending upon which pages this builder has been configured to create.

Disable this check box if you want to use a custom Main action of your own creation.

Parent topic: Siebel View and Form builder

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