Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


Lotus WCM Access builder inputs

This topic describes the inputs for the Lotus Web Content Management Access builder.

Table 1. Lotus WCM Access builder inputs
Input Name Description
Name The value is used to create a unique name for all the builder artifacts created during regeneration. If you have multiple instances of this builder in the same model, give each instance a unique name.
Page Location Page or pages on which this builder call acts.

This builder places content or components retrieved from IBM® Workplace WCM ™ on the specified page or pages.

Runtime Authentication Select the style of authentication that the builder runtime code uses when it connects to the WCM . The possible choices are:

Use Implicit Credentials

The builder attempts to use credentials placed into the session when the user is authenticated to the application server or portal instance. If the session does not contain credentials, the builder authenticates itself as an anonymous user.

Specify Explicit Credentials

The builder uses the explicit User Name and Password inputs to authenticate the user to WCM .

Anonymous User

The builder authenticates itself as an anonymous user.
Designer Authentication Select the properties file that contains the authentication credentials that IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer uses. The WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer uses the credentials to connect to WCM and retrieve metadata when you click Refresh Metadata. The default value for this input is /WEB-INF/config/lwcm_config/defaultCredentials.properties. A copy of this file is placed into your project when you add the WCM Extension. The file defines the following properties:


The string to identify a user for authentication.


The string used to verify user identity for authentication.
Runtime User Name This input is available when the Runtime Authentication input is Use Explicit Credentials.

Use this input to specify the name that the builder uses when it authenticates to the WCM instance.

Runtime Password This input is available when the Runtime Authentication input is Use Explicit Credentials.

Use this input to specify the identity verification string that the builder uses when it authenticates to WCM .

Refresh Metadata Click this button to cause the builder to connect to WCM and retrieve metadata about its document libraries, content, and components. The metadata is used to prepopulate the choices in the following builder inputs: Document Libraries, Authoring Template, Content Name, Component Name, and Presentation Template.

To successfully use this feature, in the Designer Authentication input, first select the properties file that contains valid credentials for WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer.

Document Library The name of the document library that contains the content or components to be retrieved from WCM .

The valid choices for this input are empty until you click Refresh Metadata. The input also allows manual editing. Therefore, if you know the name of the document library, enter it directly.

Note: When you change the value of this input, the builder automatically refreshes the valid choices for the Authoring Template, Content Name, Component Name, and Presentation Template inputs. Valid values for these inputs are determined by the document library that you select.

Search Method Select the means that the builder uses when it searches for content or components. The possible choices are:

Content Path

Retrieve the content at a specific location in the content hierarchy.

Component Name

Retrieve a named library component.

Content Name

Retrieve content with a specific name.

Content Authoring Template

Retrieve all the content that is associated with the selected authoring template.


Invoke a method in the model that is responsible for retrieving the content or component.
Content Path This input is available when the Search Method input is Content Path. The path to the content that is retrieved, rendered, and placed into the WebSphere Portlet Factory page or pages. The path typically uses the following format:
/document library name/site name/site area name/content name
Component Name This input is available when the Search Method input is Component Name.

The name of the library component that is retrieved, rendered, and placed into the WebSphere Portlet Factory page or pages. The valid choices for this input are empty until you click Refresh Metadata. The input also allows manual editing. Therefore, if you know the name of the library component, enter it directly.

Content Name This input is available when the Search Method input is Content Name.

The name of the content that is retrieved, rendered, and placed into the WebSphere Portlet Factory page or pages. The valid choices for this input are empty until you click Refresh Metadata. The input also allows manual editing. Therefore, if you know the name of the content, enter it directly.

Authoring Template This input is available when the Search Method input is Content Authoring Template.

The name of the authoring template associated with the content that is retrieved, rendered, and placed into the WebSphere Portlet Factory page or pages. The valid choices for this input are empty until you click Refresh Metadata. The input also allows manual editing. Therefore, if you know the name of the authoring template, enter it directly.

Custom Search Method This input is available when the Search Method input is Custom.

Enter an indirect reference that is called by the builder at runtime to retrieve content or components. The method must return a java.util.Iterator instance that yields zero or more com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.DocumentId instances. The builder uses these DocumentId instances to retrieve and render the associated content or library component and place it into the WebSphere Portlet Factory page or pages.

Presentation Template This input is available when the Search Method input is anything other than Component Name.

Specify an alternate presentation template to be used when the builder calls WCM to render content. Typically you use this input when you have content or components that can be rendered multiple ways.

The valid choices for this input are empty until you click Refresh Metadata. The input also allows manual editing. Therefore, if you know the name of the presentation template, enter it directly. If no presentation template is specified, the default template for the content or component is used.

Component Rendering Path This input is available when the Search Method input is either Component Name or Custom.

Specify the content path to be used, if necessary, when the builder calls WCM to render components. When a component is rendered, it can contain references that must be resolved. This input provides the ability to specify the context in which those references are resolved. The path typically uses one of the following formats:

/document library name/site name/site area name/content name
/document library name/site name/site area name

If you use a custom search method that does not return library components, leave this input blank.

Content Layout Page Select the file that contains the layout page to be used for organizing the rendered content or components. The builder imports this page at regeneration and adds entries to it that invoke the builder runtime code when the page is rendered. You may use other page-oriented builders from WebSphere Portlet Factory to add more content to this page. The following default layout pages are installed as part of the WCM Extension:


The rendered content or components are laid out vertically in a table with one content item or library component per row. This is the default value of the input.


The rendered content or components are laid out horizontally in a table with a single row and one content item or library component per column in that row.

These default layout pages work well in many situations. However, the retrieved content or components can contain HTML code that cannot be easily accommodated with a generic layout as represented by these default pages. To achieve the desired visual layout of the retrieved WCM content or components, you may need to create one or more custom layout pages.

Server Path Select the file that contains the server path properties that the builder passes to WCM when it renders content or components. These path properties are used by WCM to rewrite URLs that are contained in rendered content or components. The default file that is installed as part of the WCM Extension is at the following location:


This location is also the default value of the input. The file contains the following properties:


The application context on the server at which WCM can be accessed. The default value is /wps/wcm which represents the default application context used by WCM in IBM WebSphere Portal Version 6.0.1. You may need to change this value in your environment.


The name of the WCM servlet responsible for handling content and component requests. The default value is /myconnect which represents the default servlet name used by WCM in IBM WebSphere Portal Version 6.0.1. You may need to change this value in your environment.

For more information, see the WCM documentation to determine how best to set the properties for the content and components that you need to access with this builder and the environment in which your application runs. Setting these properties correctly is critical if retrieved content that includes URLs is to work correctly for your application and page navigation design.

Parent topic: Lotus WCM Access builder

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