Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2
Form Submit Action builder
The Form Submit Action builder sets a form action attribute to the model action you specify as the Action input.
Use this builder when you want to specify a form action to run whenever a form is submitted.
The Form Submit Action builder can quickly wire a form (and its existing submit button) to a model action that processes the inputs to that form.
Quick tips
The Form Submit Action builder precludes the use of a Button builder call to handle the form submission. Use the Form Submit Action builder when you do not need the variability of using a Button builder call to handle the forms submission.
Parent topic: Builder help
- About using the builder call editor
The builder call editor allows you to specify all the input values to a builder call.
- Form Submit Action builder inputs
This topic describes the inputs for the Form Submit Action builder.
- Locating control builder calls on pages
Each page location technique results in the generation of a Page Location string that determines on what pages, and where on those pages, the control builder calls are added.
- Passing arguments to actions
The Input Mappings group allows you to specify argument names and values to pass to an action.
- Overview: creating forms
You can create forms in IBM® WebSphere Portlet Factory applications in several ways.
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