Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2
Passing arguments to actions
The Input Mappings group allows you to specify argument names and values to pass to an action. IBM® WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer contains several builders that execute some action during their OnClick event. These builders, Button, Image Button, Form Submit Action, HTML Event Action, and Link, can submit a form, link to another model action or external Web site, or execute a JavaScript script.
If the specified action for these builder calls takes one or more arguments, you can specify those arguments in the InputMappings input, which allows you to specify the argument name and the value for that argument that you want to pass.
When you specify argument values in an Arguments list, you need to ensure that the argument names and values you specify match the names and the data types declared for the action. If you specify a method as the action, the names of the arguments (if any) are displayed in the Arguments list.
Note: Special characters that are passed in an argument such as a single quote ( ' ), double quote ( " ) and backslash ( \ ) must be escaped. For example, here is how you might pass double quote characters: \"Hello World Button\"
Parent topic: Overview: handling events
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