Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


Automatic WAR Deployment On IBM WebSphere Application Server

Once you enter the name of a WebSphere® Application Server server to deploy to, the WAR will be automatically deployed as part of project creation.

Note: The auto-deploy feature is intended as a convenience for development use only. You should not use auto-deploy to place a WAR file in a production environment.

WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer supports the automatic deployment of Portlet WAR files on local IBM® WebSphere Portal servers as well. This feature, if enabled, allows you to skip the manual WAR deployment process normally accomplished with WebSphere administrative tools. WebSphere Portal allows automatic deployment of a portlet WAR to a server installed locally or remotely.

Automatic synchronization is set up in the Deployment Configuration/Application Server Configuration section of the Create Portlet Factory Project wizard. Thus each time you create a project you automatically synchronize the resulting WebSphere Portlet Factory WAR file to the application server. You must provide the application or portal server name, the host name of the machine the server is running on, and the port number used by the server administration tool. For example, a typical WebSphere Portal configuration might specify "WebSphere_Portal" as a server name and 9081 as the port number.

The following caveats apply when you choose to auto-deploy WAR files:

  • The automatic synchronization feature is intended as a convenience for development use only. You should not use automatic synchronization to place a WAR file in a production environment.

  • The WebSphere Portal server you are deploying to must be running.

  • You need not build the project on WebSphere in order to deploy to WebSphere. For example, for convenience sake you might develop a portlet on Tomcat or IBM WebSphere Application Server CE and choose to auto-deploy the portlet WAR file to WebSphere Portal.

  • When automatic synchronization is enabled, not manually un-install and redeploy a WAR file. Doing so will result in problems with the WAR file and WebSphere Portlet Factory's deployment logic. You can, however, un-install a WAR file using the server's Admin tool.

Parent topic: WAR interactions at project creation

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