

Developing Web applications using JSPs and | ervlets

In this chapter, we focus on developing Web applications using JavaServer Pages (JSPs), Java EE servlet technology, and static HTML pages, which are fundamental technologies for building Java EE Web applications. Through the RedBank example, we guide you through the features available in Rational Application Developer v7.5 to work with these technologies.

In the first section, we describe the main tools available in Application Developer to Web developers and introduce the new features provided with v7.5. Next we present the design of the ITSO RedBank application, then we build and test the application using the various tools available within RAD v7.5. In the final section, we list sources of further information about Java EE Web components and the Web tools within RAD v7.5.

The chapter is organized into the following sections:

Introduction to Java EE Web applications

Web development tooling

Summary of new features in v7.5

RedBank application design

Implementing the RedBank application

Web application testing

The sample code for this chapter is in 7672code\webapp.
