Verify the connection information
The connection information to a data source has been added in several places:
The src/META-INF/persistence.xml file contains the <jta-data-source> tag with java:comp/env/ITSOBANKderby. <persistence-unit name="RAD75JSFWeb">
The WEB-INF/web.xml file contains a resource reference for the data source with the name ITSOBANKderby.
The WEB-INF/ibm-web-bnd.xml file contains the JNDI name for the resource reference, binding-name="jdbc/ITSOBANKderby".
The RAD75JSFEAR WebSphere deployment descriptor contains the definition of the data source:
Right-click RAD75JSFEAR and select Java EE Æ Open WebSphere Application Server Deployment.
Select the Generated Derby JDBC Provider and you can see the ITSOBANKderby data source.
This JDBC provider and the data source are deployed to the server together with the enterprise application.