JSF application architecture
You can develop custom components, renderers, validators, and other JSF objects and register them with the JSF runtime.
The JSF application architecture includes these components:
Faces JSP pages Built from JSF components. Each component is represented by a server-side class. FacesServlet Controls the execution flow. faces-config.xml navigation rules between the JSPs, validators, and managed beans. Tag libraries JSF components are implemented in tag libraries. Validators Java classes used to validate the content of JSF components, for example, to validate user input. Managed beans JavaBeans are defined in the configuration file to hold the data from JSF components. Managed beans represent the data model and are passed between business logic and user interface. JSF moves the data between managed beans and user interface components. Events Java code is executed in the server for events (for example, a push button). Event handling is used to pass managed beans to business logic.
Here is a Faces portlet example