JavaServer Faces (JSF)
JavaServer Faces 1.2 is a framework for developing Java Web applications.
The JSF framework aims to unify techniques for solving a number of common problems in Web application design and development, such as these:
User interface development: JSF allows direct binding of user interface (UI) components to model data. It abstracts request processing into an event-driven model. Developers can use extensive libraries of prebuilt UI components that provide both basic and advanced Web functionality.
Navigation: JSF introduces a layer of separation between business logic and the resulting UI pages; stand-alone flexible rules drive the flow of pages.
Session and object management: JSF manages designated model data objects by handling their initialization, persistence over the request cycle, and cleanup.
Validation and error feedback: JSF allows direct binding of reusable validators to UI components. The framework also provides a queue mechanism to simplify error and message feedback to the application user. These messages can be associated with specific UI components.
Internationalization: JSF provides tools for internationalizing Web applications, supporting number, currency, time, and date formatting, and externalizing of UI strings. JSF is easily extended in a variety of ways to suit the requirements of your particular application. You can develop custom components, renderers, validators, and other JSF objects and register them with the JSF runtime. More information about JSF framework can be found here: