
    diff2 -- Display diff of two depot files

    p4 diff2 [ -d -q -t ] file1 file2
    p4 diff2 [ -d -q -t ] -b branch [ [ file1 ] file2 ]

	Run diff (on the server) of two files in the depot.  Both files
	may optionally include a revision specification; the default is
	to compare the head revision.  See p4 help revisions for help
	specifying revisions.  Wildcards may be used, but they must
	match between file1 and file2.

	Diff2 introduces each diff with a header line of the form

		==== file1 (type1) - file2 (type2) ==== summary

	file1 or file2 may be '', meaning that only one of the
	matched files actually exists at the given revision.   The
	summary is one of: 'identical' - file contents are identical and
	types are the same, 'types' - file contents are identical but
	the types are different, and 'content' - file contents are

	The -b flag causes diff2 to use the branch view to specify the
	pairs of files to compare.  If file arguments are also present, they
	can further limit the files and specify the revisions for comparison.
	Note that if only one file is given, it restricts the right-hand
	side of the branch view.

	The -d passes a flag to the built-in diff routine to modify
	the output: -dn (RCS), -dc (context), -ds (summary), -du (unified).

	The -q suppresses the display of the header lines of files whose
	content and types are identical and suppresses the actual diff
	for all files.

	The -t flag forces p4 diff2 to diff even files with non-text
	(binary) types.