SQL Statement
The SQL Statement Advanced action executes SQL statements. It enables you to perform administrative tasks like cleaning a database after a test. It also allows you to get business-related metrics that you can monitor, for example the number of items in a work queue or the number of checkouts during the last minute.
The action produces an XML output that includes a status of the executed SQL statement as well as an optional section containing the results of the query. The query results are also stored in NeoLoad variables.
- Tip: Use the Advanced actions Store External Data Entry or Store External Data Entries to store and analyze the retrieved data in NeoLoad.
Information: In case of connection with Microsoft SQL Server 2005, you need to replace the Microsoft SQL Server 4.1 JDBC Driver with the Microsoft SQL Server 4.0 JDBC Driver by following this
- type: The type of SQL statement, possible values are QUERY and UPDATE.
- connectionName: The name of the connection to use.
- sqlStatement: The SQL statement to execute. Multi-line allowed.
- variableName (optional): The NeoLoad variable to put the value(s) in. More information in the Variables section below.
- includeQueryResults (optional): Default value is true. If set at false, the results are not included in the XML response. Should be "false" to optimize resource consumption when executing a query that returns multiple rows and retrieving the values from the variables.
- batchSize (optional): The batch number to keep in memory before performing a batch update.
Variables When executing a query, be careful to specify the variable name, i.e "sqlEntries" and not "${sqlEntries}".
"columnName" is the column name as defined in the database. Invalid XML characters are removed, for example count(*) would be renamed to count.
The query result values will be retrieved in the following variables:
- variableName for value in first row, first column
- variableName_[columnName] for the first row
- variableName_[columnName]_[row] when several rows are expected
- Both variableName_[columnName]_count (recommended) and variableName_[columnName]_matchNr return the number of rows.
- variableName_[columnName]_rand returns a random value from the column specified
- variableName_[columnName] can be used as an input for the Store External Data Entries action in order to store all results values of a column in the Results data.
An example of removing all lines of a table:
- type: UPDATE
- connectionName: myConnection
- sqlStatement: DELETE FROM table_name
An example of getting number of rows:
- type: QUERY
- connectionName: myConnection
- sqlStatement: SELECT count(*) FROM table_name
- variableName: countTableName
In this example, since the query will return one row of one column, only the countTableName variable will be created.
An example of SELECT with a custom driver:
- type: QUERY
- connectionName: myConnection
- sqlStatement: SELECT * FROM records WHERE date='2014-11-11'
- variableName: records
- driverClassName:
In this example, the following multi-valued variables will be created : records_id and records_date records_id_1 gives access to the id of the first row, records_id_count and records_id_matchNr give access to the number of rows, records_date_rand gives access to the date of a random row.
SQL Connection
The SQL Connection Advanced action creates a database connection.
- connectionName: The name of the connection to open.
- connectionURL: The JDBC connection URL (jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/).
- connection.user (optional): The user name to connect the database.
- connection.password (optional): The password of the user.
- connection.<propertyName> (optional): Any property that can be used to customize your connection.
An example of creating a connection to a MySQL database:
- connectionURL: jdbc:mysql://host:3306/mysql
- connection.user: my_user_name
- connection.password: my_password
An example of creating a connection to a DB2 database:
- connectionURL: jdbc:db2://host:50000/db
- connection.user: my_user_name
- connection.password: my_password
- driverClassName:
SQL Disconnection
The SQL Disconnection Advanced action closes a previously opened database connection.
- connectionName: The name of the connection to close.
An example of closing the connection "myConnection".
- connectionName: myConnection