Best practices
To get the best out of a load test on an Oracle Forms application, the following processes are advised:
- Enable the component naming option on the application server.
- Enable all the Oracle Forms options in the NeoLoad project.
- Close all browser instances before starting a new recording.
- Wherever possible, input user actions in the Oracle Forms applet using the keyboard.
- Input user actions in the applet slowly.
- Limit the number of actions carried out by a Virtual User. If necessary, create several Virtual User profiles that each carry out a separate series of actions.
- Rename the pages during the recording using names that identify the relevant actions carried out in the applet.
- Quit the Oracle Forms applet correctly before ending the recording. You are advised to click on Action --> Exit in the applet rather than close the browser.
- Make sure that the Oracle Forms requests are correctly identified and decoded.
- Validate the key requests in the scenario.
- Use as few validations and Variable Extractors as possible, especially on large-size XML responses.
- Configure NeoLoad so that it does not error-flag the HTTP 404 response code already present in the recording.
- Play the page think times.
- Validate all the scenario Virtual Users and check that they run correctly with no errors.
- Set the scenario Population stop policy as Indeterminate: allow all Virtual Users to end their actions.
- Warm up the server: run a few tests with a small number of simultaneous Virtual Users to warm up the server before submitting it to a heavy load.