Heavy load testing
NeoLoad makes it possible to build quality Web applications that offer high performance and scalability and that are far more likely to be used and appreciated than applications that are buggy and slow. However, building even the best software still requires that the application be tested under heavy loads (regardless of the specific goals for the application—production tests or stress tests).
There are three average levels in heavy load tests—starting from 1,000 Virtual Users—which are recommended by Neotys experts:
- 1,000 and 10,000 Virtual Users: Test on premises
- 10,000 to 30,000 Virtual Users: Test with Cloud Load Generators
- 30,000 Virtual Users and above: Test in full Cloud
Information: The Virtual Users boundaries to define the level of a heavy load test are provided for information only. They strongly correlate with the density of the test scenario, the infrastructure that is affordable, and the objectives to reach.