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Java client


To use our Java API to generate and download reports, use our classes as explained in Create the Java Results API client.

First instantiate a ResultsAPIClient providing a URL and API key.

Then call method GenerateReport() to generate a report, and method DownloadReport() to download a report.

Configure the project

To configure your Java project, it is recommended to use Maven.

Maven projects

In a Java Maven project, you need to add a dependency to the Maven settings file (pom.xml) using the examples below:

  1. Repository
  2. Dependency

Non-Maven projects

If your project is not developed using Maven, it is necessary to include the JAR files available in the \api folder of the NeoLoad installation directory:

Create the Java Results API client

Example 1

In this example, we generate a PDF report for test result name “MyFirstTest”, we wait 3 seconds for the generation, and then we retrieve the byte array.

import com.neotys.rest.data.BinaryData;
import com.neotys.rest.results.client.ResultsAPIClient;
import com.neotys.rest.results.client.ResultsAPIClientFactory;
import com.neotys.rest.results.model.DownloadReportParams;
import com.neotys.rest.results.model.Format;
import com.neotys.rest.results.model.GenerateReportParams;

public class GenerateAndDownloadReportExample {

	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
		// Instanciate ResultsAPIClient by specifying the connection URL
		final ResultsAPIClient client = ResultsAPIClientFactory.newClient("http://localhost:7400/Results/v1/Service.svc/");
		// Create the params to generate a report, based on test result "MyFirstTest" and format PDF
		final GenerateReportParams generateReportParams = GenerateReportParams.newBuilder().testResultName("MyFirstTest").format(Format.PDF).build();
		// Trigger the generation of the report and retrieve the report Id
		final String reportId = client.generateReport(generateReportParams);
		// Wait few seconds for the report being generated...
		// Download the report from the id
		final BinaryData reportBinary = client.downloadReport(new DownloadReportParams(reportId));		

Example 2

In this example, we generate a RTF comparison report for test result name “MyTest1” and “MyTest2”, we wait 3 seconds for the generation, and then we download the file on disk (folder C:\tmp).

import com.neotys.rest.results.client.ResultsAPIClient;
import com.neotys.rest.results.client.ResultsAPIClientFactory;
import com.neotys.rest.results.model.DownloadReportParams;
import com.neotys.rest.results.model.Format;
import com.neotys.rest.results.model.GenerateReportParams;

public class GenerateAndDownloadComparisonReportExample {

	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
		// Instanciate ResultsAPIClient by specifying the connection URL
		final ResultsAPIClient client = ResultsAPIClientFactory.newClient("http://localhost:7400/Results/v1/Service.svc/");
		// Create the params to generate a report, based on test result "MyFirstTest" and format PDF
		final GenerateReportParams generateReportParams = GenerateReportParams.newBuilder().testResultName("MyTest1").otherTestResultName("MyTest2").format(Format.RTF).build();
		// Trigger the generation of the report and retrieve the report Id
		final String reportId = client.generateReport(generateReportParams);
		// Wait few seconds for the report being generated...
		// Download the report from the id
		final String destinationFolder = "C:\\tmp";
		client.downloadReport(new DownloadReportParams(reportId), destinationFolder);		
