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Java client


To use our Java API to start or stop tests onto NeoLoad, use our classes as explained in Create the Java Runtime API client.

First instantiate a RuntimeAPIClient providing a URL and API key.

Then call method GetStatus() to get the current status of NeoLoad, method StartTest() to start a test, method StopTest() to stop a test, method add AddVirtualUsers() to add Virtual Users or method StopVirtualUsers() to stop Virtual Users.

Configure the project

To configure your Java project, it is recommended to use Maven.

Maven projects

In a Java Maven project, you need to add a dependency to the Maven settings file (pom.xml) using the examples below:

  1. Repository
  2. Dependency

Non-Maven projects

If your project is not developed using Maven, it is necessary to include the JAR files available in the \api folder of the NeoLoad installation directory:
