Class LifespanPolicyValuejava.lang.Object | +--org.omg.PortableServer.LifespanPolicyValue
- All Implemented Interfaces:
- IDLEntity, Serializable
- public class LifespanPolicyValue
- extends Object
- implements IDLEntity
The LifespanPolicyValue can have the following values. TRANSIENT - The objects implemented in the POA cannot outlive the POA instance in which they are first created. PERSISTENT - The objects implemented in the POA can outlive the process in which they are first created.
Field Summary
static int _PERSISTENT
static int _TRANSIENT
static LifespanPolicyValue PERSISTENT
static LifespanPolicyValue TRANSIENT
Constructor Summary
protected LifespanPolicyValue(int value)
Method Summary
static LifespanPolicyValue from_int(int value)
int value()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Field Detail
public static final int _TRANSIENT
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
public static final LifespanPolicyValue TRANSIENT
public static final int _PERSISTENT
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
public static final LifespanPolicyValue PERSISTENT
Constructor Detail
protected LifespanPolicyValue(int value)
Method Detail
public int value()
public static LifespanPolicyValue from_int(int value)