Class IdAssignmentPolicyValue

All Implemented Interfaces:
IDLEntity, Serializable
public class IdAssignmentPolicyValue
extends Object
implements IDLEntity

The IdAssignmentPolicyValue can have the following values. USER_ID - Objects created with that POA are assigned Object Ids only by the application. SYSTEM_ID - Objects created with that POA are assigned Object Ids only by the POA. If the POA also has the PERSISTENT policy, assigned Object Ids must be unique across all instantiations of the same POA.


Field Summary

static int _SYSTEM_ID
static int _USER_ID
static IdAssignmentPolicyValue SYSTEM_ID
static IdAssignmentPolicyValue USER_ID


Constructor Summary

protected IdAssignmentPolicyValue(int value)


Method Summary

static IdAssignmentPolicyValue from_int(int value)
 int value()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Field Detail



public static final int _USER_ID
See Also:
Constant Field Values



public static final IdAssignmentPolicyValue USER_ID



public static final int _SYSTEM_ID
See Also:
Constant Field Values



public static final IdAssignmentPolicyValue SYSTEM_ID


Constructor Detail



protected IdAssignmentPolicyValue(int value)


Method Detail



public int value()



public static IdAssignmentPolicyValue from_int(int value)