Class _BindingIteratorStub

All Implemented Interfaces:
BindingIterator, BindingIteratorOperations, IDLEntity, Object, Serializable
public class _BindingIteratorStub
extends ObjectImpl
implements BindingIterator

The BindingIterator interface allows a client to iterate through the bindings using the next_one or next_n operations. The bindings iterator is obtained by using the list method on the NamingContext.

See Also:
NamingContextOperations.list(int, org.omg.CosNaming.BindingListHolder, org.omg.CosNaming.BindingIteratorHolder)


Constructor Summary



Method Summary

 String[] _ids()
    Retrieves a string array containing the repository identifiers supported by this ObjectImpl object.
 void destroy()
    This operation destroys the iterator.
 boolean next_n(int how_many, BindingListHolder bl)