Interface TreeNode

All Known Subinterfaces:


All Known Implementing Classes

AbstractDocument.AbstractElement, DefaultMutableTreeNode
public interface TreeNode

Defines the requirements for an object that can be used as a tree node in a JTree.

For further information and examples of using tree nodes, see How to Use Tree Nodes in The Java Tutorial.


Method Summary

 Enumeration children()
    Returns the children of the receiver as an Enumeration.
 boolean getAllowsChildren()
    Returns true if the receiver allows children.
 TreeNode getChildAt(int childIndex)
    Returns the child TreeNode at index childIndex.
 int getChildCount()
    Returns the number of children TreeNodes the receiver contains.
 int getIndex(TreeNode node)
    Returns the index of node in the receivers children.
 TreeNode getParent()
    Returns the parent TreeNode of the receiver.
 boolean isLeaf()
    Returns true if the receiver is a leaf.


Method Detail



public TreeNode getChildAt(int childIndex)
Returns the child TreeNode at index childIndex.



public int getChildCount()
Returns the number of children TreeNodes the receiver contains.



public TreeNode getParent()
Returns the parent TreeNode of the receiver.



public int getIndex(TreeNode node)
Returns the index of node in the receivers children. If the receiver does not contain node, -1 will be returned.



public boolean getAllowsChildren()
Returns true if the receiver allows children.



public boolean isLeaf()
Returns true if the receiver is a leaf.



public Enumeration children()
Returns the children of the receiver as an Enumeration.