Class PlainDocumentjava.lang.Object | +--javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument | +--javax.swing.text.PlainDocument
- All Implemented Interfaces:
- Document, Serializable
- public class PlainDocument
- extends AbstractDocument
A plain document that maintains no character attributes. The default element structure for this document is a map of the lines in the text. The Element returned by getDefaultRootElement is a map of the lines, and each child element represents a line. This model does not maintain any character level attributes, but each line can be tagged with an arbitrary set of attributes. Line to offset, and offset to line translations can be quickly performed using the default root element. The structure information of the DocumentEvent's fired by edits will indicate the line structure changes.
The default content storage management is performed by a gapped buffer implementation (GapContent). It supports editing reasonably large documents with good efficiency when the edits are contiguous or clustered, as is typical.
Warning: Serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with future Swing releases. The current serialization support is appropriate for short term storage or RMI between applications running the same version of Swing. As of 1.4, support for long term storage of all JavaBeansTM has been added to the java.beans package. Please see XMLEncoder.
- See Also:
- Document, AbstractDocument
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes inherited from class javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument AbstractDocument.AbstractElement, AbstractDocument.AttributeContext, AbstractDocument.BranchElement, AbstractDocument.Content, AbstractDocument.DefaultDocumentEvent, AbstractDocument.ElementEdit, AbstractDocument.LeafElement
Field Summary
static String lineLimitAttribute
Name of the attribute that specifies the maximum length of a line, if there is a maximum length.static String tabSizeAttribute
Name of the attribute that specifies the tab size for tabs contained in the content.
Fields inherited from class javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument BAD_LOCATION, BidiElementName, ContentElementName, ElementNameAttribute, listenerList, ParagraphElementName, SectionElementName
Fields inherited from interface javax.swing.text.Document StreamDescriptionProperty, TitleProperty
Constructor Summary
Constructs a plain text document.PlainDocument(AbstractDocument.Content c)
Constructs a plain text document.
Method Summary
protected AbstractDocument.AbstractElement createDefaultRoot()
Creates the root element to be used to represent the default document structure.Element getDefaultRootElement()
Gets the default root element for the document model.Element getParagraphElement(int pos)
Get the paragraph element containing the given position.void insertString(int offs, String str, AttributeSet a)
Inserts some content into the document.protected void insertUpdate(AbstractDocument.DefaultDocumentEvent chng, AttributeSet attr)
Updates document structure as a result of text insertion.protected void removeUpdate(AbstractDocument.DefaultDocumentEvent chng)
Updates any document structure as a result of text removal.