Class DefaultStyledDocumentjava.lang.Object | +--javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument | +--javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument
- All Implemented Interfaces:
- Document, Serializable, StyledDocument
- Direct Known Subclasses:
- HTMLDocument
- public class DefaultStyledDocument
- extends AbstractDocument
- implements StyledDocument
A document that can be marked up with character and paragraph styles in a manner similar to the Rich Text Format. The element structure for this document represents style crossings for style runs. These style runs are mapped into a paragraph element structure (which may reside in some other structure). The style runs break at paragraph boundaries since logical styles are assigned to paragraph boundaries.
Warning: Serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with future Swing releases. The current serialization support is appropriate for short term storage or RMI between applications running the same version of Swing. As of 1.4, support for long term storage of all JavaBeansTM has been added to the java.beans package. Please see XMLEncoder.
- See Also:
- Document, AbstractDocument
Nested Class Summary
static class DefaultStyledDocument.AttributeUndoableEdit
An UndoableEdit used to remember AttributeSet changes to an Element.class DefaultStyledDocument.ElementBuffer
Class to manage changes to the element hierarchy.static class DefaultStyledDocument.ElementSpec
Specification for building elements.protected class DefaultStyledDocument.SectionElement
Default root element for a document...
Nested classes inherited from class javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument AbstractDocument.AttributeContext, AbstractDocument.Content, AbstractDocument.DefaultDocumentEvent, AbstractDocument.ElementEdit, AbstractDocument.LeafElement
Field Summary
protected DefaultStyledDocument.ElementBuffer buffer
The default size of the initial content buffer.
Fields inherited from class javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument BAD_LOCATION, BidiElementName, ContentElementName, ElementNameAttribute, listenerList, ParagraphElementName, SectionElementName
Fields inherited from interface javax.swing.text.Document StreamDescriptionProperty, TitleProperty
Constructor Summary
Constructs a default styled document.DefaultStyledDocument(AbstractDocument.Content c, StyleContext styles)
Constructs a styled document.DefaultStyledDocument(StyleContext styles)
Constructs a styled document with the default content storage implementation and a shared set of styles.
Method Summary
void addDocumentListener(DocumentListener listener)
Adds a document listener for notification of any changes.Style addStyle(String nm, Style parent)
Adds a new style into the logical style hierarchy.protected void create(DefaultStyledDocument.ElementSpec[] data)
Initialize the document to reflect the given element structure (i.e.protected AbstractDocument.AbstractElement createDefaultRoot()
Creates the root element to be used to represent the default document structure.Color getBackground(AttributeSet attr)
Gets the background color from an attribute set.Element getCharacterElement(int pos)
Gets a character element based on a position.Element getDefaultRootElement()
Gets the default root element.Font getFont(AttributeSet attr)
Gets the font from an attribute set.Color getForeground(AttributeSet attr)
Gets the foreground color from an attribute set.Style getLogicalStyle(int p)
Fetches the logical style assigned to the paragraph represented by the given position.Element getParagraphElement(int pos)
Gets the paragraph element at the offset pos.Style getStyle(String nm)
Fetches a named style previously added.Enumeration getStyleNames()
Fetches the list of of style names.protected void insert(int offset, DefaultStyledDocument.ElementSpec[] data)
Inserts new elements in bulk.protected void insertUpdate(AbstractDocument.DefaultDocumentEvent chng, AttributeSet attr)
Updates document structure as a result of text insertion.void removeDocumentListener(DocumentListener listener)
Removes a document listener.void removeStyle(String nm)
Removes a named style previously added to the document.protected void removeUpdate(AbstractDocument.DefaultDocumentEvent chng)
Updates document structure as a result of text removal.void setCharacterAttributes(int offset, int length, AttributeSet s, boolean replace)
Sets attributes for some part of the document.void setLogicalStyle(int pos, Style s)
Sets the logical style to use for the paragraph at the given position.void setParagraphAttributes(int offset, int length, AttributeSet s, boolean replace)
Sets attributes for a paragraph.protected void styleChanged(Style style)
Called when any of this document's styles have changed.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface javax.swing.text.Document addUndoableEditListener, createPosition, getEndPosition, getLength, getProperty, getRootElements, getStartPosition, getText, getText, insertString, putProperty, remove, removeUndoableEditListener, render
Field Detail
public static final int BUFFER_SIZE_DEFAULT
- The default size of the initial content buffer.
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
protected DefaultStyledDocument.ElementBuffer buffer
Constructor Detail
public DefaultStyledDocument(AbstractDocument.Content c, StyleContext styles)
- Constructs a styled document.
- Parameters:
- c - the container for the content
- styles - resources and style definitions which may be shared across documents
public DefaultStyledDocument(StyleContext styles)
- Constructs a styled document with the default content storage implementation and a shared set of styles.
- Parameters:
- styles - the styles
public DefaultStyledDocument()
- Constructs a default styled document. This buffers input content by a size of BUFFER_SIZE_DEFAULT and has a style context that is scoped by the lifetime of the document and is not shared with other documents.
Method Detail
public Element getDefaultRootElement()
- Gets the default root element.
- Specified by:
- getDefaultRootElement in interface Document
- Specified by:
- getDefaultRootElement in class AbstractDocument
- Returns:
- the root
- See Also:
- Document.getDefaultRootElement()
protected void create(DefaultStyledDocument.ElementSpec[] data)
- Initialize the document to reflect the given element structure (i.e. the structure reported by the getDefaultRootElement method. If the document contained any data it will first be removed.
protected void insert(int offset, DefaultStyledDocument.ElementSpec[] data) throws BadLocationException
- Inserts new elements in bulk. This is useful to allow parsing with the document in an unlocked state and prepare an element structure modification. This method takes an array of tokens that describe how to update an element structure so the time within a write lock can be greatly reduced in an asynchronous update situation.
This method is thread safe, although most Swing methods are not. Please see Threads and Swing for more information.
- Parameters:
- offset - the starting offset >= 0
- data - the element data
- Throws:
- BadLocationException - for an invalid starting offset
public Style addStyle(String nm, Style parent)
- Adds a new style into the logical style hierarchy. Style attributes resolve from bottom up so an attribute specified in a child will override an attribute specified in the parent.
- Specified by:
- addStyle in interface StyledDocument
- Parameters:
- nm - the name of the style (must be unique within the collection of named styles). The name may be null if the style is unnamed, but the caller is responsible for managing the reference returned as an unnamed style can't be fetched by name. An unnamed style may be useful for things like character attribute overrides such as found in a style run.
- parent - the parent style. This may be null if unspecified attributes need not be resolved in some other style.
- Returns:
- the style
public void removeStyle(String nm)
- Removes a named style previously added to the document.
- Specified by:
- removeStyle in interface StyledDocument
- Parameters:
- nm - the name of the style to remove
public Style getStyle(String nm)
- Fetches a named style previously added.
- Specified by:
- getStyle in interface StyledDocument
- Parameters:
- nm - the name of the style
- Returns:
- the style
public Enumeration getStyleNames()
- Fetches the list of of style names.
- Returns:
- all the style names
public void setLogicalStyle(int pos, Style s)
- Sets the logical style to use for the paragraph at the given position. If attributes aren't explicitly set for character and paragraph attributes they will resolve through the logical style assigned to the paragraph, which in turn may resolve through some hierarchy completely independent of the element hierarchy in the document.
This method is thread safe, although most Swing methods are not. Please see Threads and Swing for more information.
- Specified by:
- setLogicalStyle in interface StyledDocument
- Parameters:
- pos - the offset from the start of the document >= 0
- s - the logical style to assign to the paragraph, null if none
public Style getLogicalStyle(int p)
- Fetches the logical style assigned to the paragraph represented by the given position.
- Specified by:
- getLogicalStyle in interface StyledDocument
- Parameters:
- p - the location to translate to a paragraph and determine the logical style assigned >= 0. This is an offset from the start of the document.
- Returns:
- the style, null if none
public void setCharacterAttributes(int offset, int length, AttributeSet s, boolean replace)
- Sets attributes for some part of the document. A write lock is held by this operation while changes are being made, and a DocumentEvent is sent to the listeners after the change has been successfully completed.
This method is thread safe, although most Swing methods are not. Please see Threads and Swing for more information.
- Specified by:
- setCharacterAttributes in interface StyledDocument
- Parameters:
- offset - the offset in the document >= 0
- length - the length >= 0
- s - the attributes
- replace - true if the previous attributes should be replaced before setting the new attributes
public void setParagraphAttributes(int offset, int length, AttributeSet s, boolean replace)
- Sets attributes for a paragraph.
This method is thread safe, although most Swing methods are not. Please see Threads and Swing for more information.
- Specified by:
- setParagraphAttributes in interface StyledDocument
- Parameters:
- offset - the offset into the paragraph >= 0
- length - the number of characters affected >= 0
- s - the attributes
- replace - whether to replace existing attributes, or merge them
public Element getParagraphElement(int pos)
- Gets the paragraph element at the offset pos. A paragraph consists of at least one child Element, which is usually a leaf.
- Specified by:
- getParagraphElement in interface StyledDocument
- Specified by:
- getParagraphElement in class AbstractDocument
- Parameters:
- pos - the starting offset >= 0
- Returns:
- the element
public Element getCharacterElement(int pos)
- Gets a character element based on a position.
- Specified by:
- getCharacterElement in interface StyledDocument
- Parameters:
- pos - the position in the document >= 0
- Returns:
- the element
protected void insertUpdate(AbstractDocument.DefaultDocumentEvent chng, AttributeSet attr)
- Updates document structure as a result of text insertion. This will happen within a write lock. This implementation simply parses the inserted content for line breaks and builds up a set of instructions for the element buffer.
- Overrides:
- insertUpdate in class AbstractDocument
- Parameters:
- chng - a description of the document change
- attr - the attributes
protected void removeUpdate(AbstractDocument.DefaultDocumentEvent chng)
- Updates document structure as a result of text removal.
- Overrides:
- removeUpdate in class AbstractDocument
- Parameters:
- chng - a description of the document change
protected AbstractDocument.AbstractElement createDefaultRoot()
- Creates the root element to be used to represent the default document structure.
- Returns:
- the element base
public Color getForeground(AttributeSet attr)
- Gets the foreground color from an attribute set.
- Specified by:
- getForeground in interface StyledDocument
- Parameters:
- attr - the attribute set
- Returns:
- the color
public Color getBackground(AttributeSet attr)
- Gets the background color from an attribute set.
- Specified by:
- getBackground in interface StyledDocument
- Parameters:
- attr - the attribute set
- Returns:
- the color
public Font getFont(AttributeSet attr)
- Gets the font from an attribute set.
- Specified by:
- getFont in interface StyledDocument
- Parameters:
- attr - the attribute set
- Returns:
- the font
protected void styleChanged(Style style)
- Called when any of this document's styles have changed. Subclasses may wish to be intelligent about what gets damaged.
- Parameters:
- style - The Style that has changed.
public void addDocumentListener(DocumentListener listener)
- Adds a document listener for notification of any changes.
- Specified by:
- addDocumentListener in interface Document
- Overrides:
- addDocumentListener in class AbstractDocument
- Parameters:
- listener - the listener
- See Also:
- Document.addDocumentListener(javax.swing.event.DocumentListener)
public void removeDocumentListener(DocumentListener listener)
- Removes a document listener.
- Specified by:
- removeDocumentListener in interface Document
- Overrides:
- removeDocumentListener in class AbstractDocument
- Parameters:
- listener - the listener
- See Also:
- Document.removeDocumentListener(javax.swing.event.DocumentListener)