Interface Destroyable
All Known Implementing Classes
- KerberosKey, KerberosTicket, X500PrivateCredential
- public interface Destroyable
Objects such as credentials may optionally implement this interface to provide the capability to destroy its contents.
- See Also:
- Subject
Method Summary
void destroy()
Destroy this Object.boolean isDestroyed()
Determine if this Object has been destroyed.
Method Detail
public void destroy() throws DestroyFailedException
- Destroy this Object.
Sensitive information associated with this Object is destroyed or cleared. Subsequent calls to certain methods on this Object will result in an IllegalStateException being thrown.
- Throws:
- DestroyFailedException - if the destroy operation fails.
- SecurityException - if the caller does not have permission to destroy this Object.
public boolean isDestroyed()
- Determine if this Object has been destroyed.
- Returns:
- true if this Object has been destroyed, false otherwise.