Class MediaSize.Engineering

Enclosing class:
public static final class MediaSize.Engineering
extends Object

Class MediaSize.Engineering includes MediaSize values for engineering media.


Field Summary

static MediaSize A
    Specifies the engineering A size, 8.5 inch by 11 inch.
static MediaSize B
    Specifies the engineering B size, 11 inch by 17 inch.
static MediaSize C
    Specifies the engineering C size, 17 inch by 22 inch.
static MediaSize D
    Specifies the engineering D size, 22 inch by 34 inch.
static MediaSize E
    Specifies the engineering E size, 34 inch by 44 inch.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Field Detail



public static final MediaSize A
Specifies the engineering A size, 8.5 inch by 11 inch.



public static final MediaSize B
Specifies the engineering B size, 11 inch by 17 inch.



public static final MediaSize C
Specifies the engineering C size, 17 inch by 22 inch.



public static final MediaSize D
Specifies the engineering D size, 22 inch by 34 inch.



public static final MediaSize E
Specifies the engineering E size, 34 inch by 44 inch.