Class StreamPrintServicejava.lang.Object | +--javax.print.StreamPrintService
- All Implemented Interfaces:
- PrintService
- public abstract class StreamPrintService
- extends Object
- implements PrintService
This class extends PrintService and represents a print service that prints data in different formats to a client-provided output stream. This is principally intended for services where the output format is a document type suitable for viewing or archiving. The output format must be declared as a mime type. This is equivalent to an output document flavor where the representation class is always "" An instance of the StreamPrintService class is obtained from a StreamPrintServiceFactory instance.
Note that a StreamPrintService is different from a PrintService, which supports a Destination attribute. A StreamPrintService always requires an output stream, whereas a PrintService optionally accepts a Destination. A StreamPrintService has no default destination for its formatted output. Additionally a StreamPrintService is expected to generate output in a format useful in other contexts. StreamPrintService's are not expected to support the Destination attribute.
Constructor Summary
protected StreamPrintService(OutputStream out)
Constructs a StreamPrintService object.
Method Summary
void dispose()
Disposes this StreamPrintService.abstract String getOutputFormat()
Returns the document format emitted by this print service.OutputStream getOutputStream()
Gets the output stream.boolean isDisposed()
Returns a boolean indicating whether or not this StreamPrintService has been disposed.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface javax.print.PrintService addPrintServiceAttributeListener, createPrintJob, equals, getAttribute, getAttributes, getDefaultAttributeValue, getName, getServiceUIFactory, getSupportedAttributeCategories, getSupportedAttributeValues, getSupportedDocFlavors, getUnsupportedAttributes