Interface AccessibleExtendedComponent

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All Known Implementing Classes

AbstractButton.AccessibleAbstractButton, JComponent.AccessibleJComponent, JLabel.AccessibleJLabel
public interface AccessibleExtendedComponent
extends AccessibleComponent

The AccessibleExtendedComponent interface should be supported by any object that is rendered on the screen. This interface provides the standard mechanism for an assistive technology to determine the extended graphical representation of an object. Applications can determine if an object supports the AccessibleExtendedComponent interface by first obtaining its AccessibleContext and then calling the AccessibleContext.getAccessibleComponent() method. If the return value is not null and the type of the return value is AccessibleEditableComponent, the object supports this interface.

See Also:
Accessible, Accessible.getAccessibleContext(), AccessibleContext, AccessibleContext.getAccessibleComponent()


Method Summary

 AccessibleKeyBinding getAccessibleKeyBinding()
    Returns key bindings associated with this object
 String getTitledBorderText()
    Returns the titled border text