Package java.awt.font

Provides classes and interface relating to fonts.



Interface Summary

MultipleMaster The MultipleMaster interface represents Type 1 Multiple Master fonts.
OpenType The OpenType interface represents OpenType and TrueType fonts.


Class Summary

FontRenderContext The FontRenderContext class is a container for the information needed to correctly measure text.
GlyphJustificationInfo The GlyphJustificationInfo class represents information about the justification properties of a glyph.
GlyphMetrics The GlyphMetrics class represents infomation for a single glyph.
GlyphVector A GlyphVector object is a collection of glyphs containing geometric information for the placement of each glyph in a transformed coordinate space which corresponds to the device on which the GlyphVector is ultimately displayed.
GraphicAttribute This class is used with the CHAR_REPLACEMENT attribute.
ImageGraphicAttribute The ImageGraphicAttribute class is an implementation of GraphicAttribute which draws images in a TextLayout.
LineBreakMeasurer The LineBreakMeasurer class allows styled text to be broken into lines (or segments) that fit within a particular visual advance.
LineMetrics The LineMetrics class allows access to the metrics needed to layout characters along a line and to layout of a set of lines.
NumericShaper The NumericShaper class is used to convert Latin-1 (European) digits to other Unicode decimal digits.
ShapeGraphicAttribute The ShapeGraphicAttribute class is an implementation of GraphicAttribute that draws shapes in a TextLayout.
TextAttribute The TextAttribute class defines attribute keys and attribute values used for text rendering.
TextHitInfo The TextHitInfo class represents a character position in a text model, and a bias, or "side," of the character.
TextLayout TextLayout is an immutable graphical representation of styled character data.
TextLayout.CaretPolicy Defines a policy for determining the strong caret location.
TextMeasurer The TextMeasurer class provides the primitive operations needed for line break: measuring up to a given advance, determining the advance of a range of characters, and generating a TextLayout for a range of characters.
TransformAttribute The TransformAttribute class provides an immutable wrapper for a transform so that it is safe to use as an attribute.


Package java.awt.font Description

Provides classes and interface relating to fonts. It contains support for representing Type 1, Type 1 Multiple Master fonts, OpenType fonts, and TrueType fonts.
