Class SystemColor

All Implemented Interfaces:
Paint, Serializable, Transparency
public final class SystemColor
extends Color
implements Serializable

A class to encapsulate symbolic colors representing the color of native GUI objects on a system. For systems which support the dynamic update of the system colors (when the user changes the colors) the actual RGB values of these symbolic colors will also change dynamically. In order to compare the "current" RGB value of a SystemColor object with a non-symbolic Color object, getRGB should be used rather than equals.

Note that the way in which these system colors are applied to GUI objects may vary slightly from platform to platform since GUI objects may be rendered differently on each platform.

System color values may also be available through the getDesktopProperty method on java.awt.Toolkit.

See Also:
Toolkit.getDesktopProperty(java.lang.String), Serialized Form


Field Summary

    The array index for the activeCaption system color.
    The array index for the activeCaptionBorder system color.
    The array index for the activeCaptionText system color.
static SystemColor activeCaption
    The color rendered for the window-title background of the currently active window.
static SystemColor activeCaptionBorder
    The color rendered for the border around the currently active window.
static SystemColor activeCaptionText
    The color rendered for the window-title text of the currently active window.
static SystemColor control
    The color rendered for the background of control panels and control objects, such as pushbuttons.
static int CONTROL
    The array index for the control system color.
    The array index for the controlDkShadow system color.
    The array index for the controlHighlight system color.
    The array index for the controlLtHighlight system color.
    The array index for the controlShadow system color.
static int CONTROL_TEXT
    The array index for the controlText system color.
static SystemColor controlDkShadow
    The color rendered for dark shadow areas on 3D control objects, such as pushbuttons.
static SystemColor controlHighlight
    The color rendered for light areas of 3D control objects, such as pushbuttons.
static SystemColor controlLtHighlight
    The color rendered for highlight areas of 3D control objects, such as pushbuttons.
static SystemColor controlShadow
    The color rendered for shadow areas of 3D control objects, such as pushbuttons.
static SystemColor controlText
    The color rendered for the text of control panels and control objects, such as pushbuttons.
static SystemColor desktop
    The color rendered for the background of the desktop.
static int DESKTOP
    The array index for the desktop system color.
    The array index for the inactiveCaption system color.
    The array index for the inactiveCaptionBorder system color.
    The array index for the inactiveCaptionText system color.
static SystemColor inactiveCaption
    The color rendered for the window-title background of inactive windows.
static SystemColor inactiveCaptionBorder
    The color rendered for the border around inactive windows.
static SystemColor inactiveCaptionText
    The color rendered for the window-title text of inactive windows.
static SystemColor info
    The color rendered for the background of tooltips or spot help.
static int INFO
    The array index for the info system color.
static int INFO_TEXT
    The array index for the infoText system color.
static SystemColor infoText
    The color rendered for the text of tooltips or spot help.
static SystemColor menu
    The color rendered for the background of menus.
static int MENU
    The array index for the menu system color.
static int MENU_TEXT
    The array index for the menuText system color.
static SystemColor menuText
    The color rendered for the text of menus.
static int NUM_COLORS
    The number of system colors in the array.
static SystemColor scrollbar
    The color rendered for the background of scrollbars.
static int SCROLLBAR
    The array index for the scrollbar system color.
static SystemColor text
    The color rendered for the background of text control objects, such as textfields and comboboxes.
static int TEXT
    The array index for the text system color.
    The array index for the textHighlight system color.
    The array index for the textHighlightText system color.
    The array index for the textInactiveText system color.
static int TEXT_TEXT
    The array index for the textText system color.
static SystemColor textHighlight
    The color rendered for the background of selected items, such as in menus, comboboxes, and text.
static SystemColor textHighlightText
    The color rendered for the text of selected items, such as in menus, comboboxes, and text.
static SystemColor textInactiveText
    The color rendered for the text of inactive items, such as in menus.
static SystemColor textText
    The color rendered for the text of text control objects, such as textfields and comboboxes.
static SystemColor window
    The color rendered for the background of interior regions inside windows.
static int WINDOW
    The array index for the window system color.
static int WINDOW_BORDER
    The array index for the