
Use the header-data stanza entry to add HTTP headers to the request that WebSEAL sends to junctioned applications.

<header-data> = [+]<header-name>


Controls the addition of HTTP headers into the request passed to junctioned applications.

To include the same <header-data> in different headers, specify multiple entries with the same <header-data> value. Do not include more than one entry with the same <header-name> value. The <header-name> values must be unique. If there is more than one entry for a particular <header-name>, WebSEAL processes the last entry for that <header-name>. Any preceding entries are disregarded.


Usage: Required.


server-name = iv_server_name


server-name = iv_server_name

In this example, WebSEAL passes the following header and value to the junction if the WebSEAL instance is default-webseald-diamond.example.com:


Other example entries:

client-ip-v4 = +X-Forwarded-For
client-ip-v4 = X-Header
httphdr{host} = X-Forwarded-Host
host-name = X-Forwarded-Server

Parent topic: [header-names] stanza