Client identity in HTTP headers (-c)

ISAM HTTP headers

Use the -c junction option to insert client identity, group membership, and credential information specific to ISAM. We can insert the information into the HTTP headers of requests destined for junctioned third-party application servers. This HTTP header information enables applications on junctioned third-party servers to do user-specific actions (such as single signon) based on the client's ISAM identity. The -c option to the junction create command specifies what ISAM HTTP header data is sent across a junction to the back-end application server:

The header-types arguments:

The -c option is also supported on virtual host junctions.

CGI environment variable headers

If a service on the backend server uses CGI, header information must be transformed to CGI environment variable format All dashes (-) are replaced with underscores (_) and HTTP is prepended to the beginning of the header string. The ISAM HTTP header entries are available to CGI programs as the environment variables HTTP_IV_USER, HTTP_IV_USER_L, HTTP_IV_GROUPS, and HTTP_IV_CREDS.

For other application framework products, refer to the appropriate product documentation for instructions on extracting headers from HTTP requests.

Parent topic: Single Sign-on Solutions