Forcing a new junction

Use the -f junction option to force a new junction to overwrite an existing junction.

The following example (WebSEAL instance name = cruz) illustrates this procedure:


  1. Log in to pdadmin:
    # pdadmin
    pdadmin> login
    Enter User ID: sec_master
    Enter Password:

  2. Use the server task list command to display all current junction points:
    pdadmin> server task web1-webseald-cruz list

  3. Use the server task show command to display details of the junction:
    pdadmin> server task web1-webseald-cruz show /
    Junction point: /
    Type: Local
    Junction hard limit: 0 - using global value
    Junction soft limit: 0 - using global value
    Active worker threads: 0
    Root Directory: /opt/pdweb/www/docs

  4. Create a new local junction to replace the current junction point (the -f option is required to force a new junction that overwrites an existing junction):
    pdadmin> server task web1-webseald-cruz create -t local -f -d /tmp/docs /
    Created junction at /

  5. List the new junction point:
    pdadmin> server task web1-webseald-cruz list

  6. Display the details of this junction:
    pdadmin> server task web1-webseald-cruz show /
    Junction point: /
    Type: Local
    Junction hard limit: 0 - using global value
    Junction soft limit: 0 - using global value
    Active worker threads: 0
    Root Directory: /tmp/docs

    The -f option is also supported on virtual host junctions.

Parent topic: Advanced junction configuration

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