An administrator or a back-end application can use the ISAM administration
API to call the pdadmin command that terminates
all sessions for a specific user based on the user's login ID.
The pdadmin server task terminate
all_sessions command is not supported in a distributed
session cache environment. Use the dscadmin session terminate command
The user's login ID (login_id) can be passed to the junctioned
back-end server in the ISAM iv-user header.
To accomplish this task, we must initially create the junction using
the -c iv_user option and argument. See Client identity in HTTP headers (-c).
The WebSEAL session cache is organized to cross-reference the user's
login ID, the WebSEAL session ID, and other cache entry information.
A user always has the same login ID across multiple sessions. Each
WebSEAL session ID, however, is unique. The pdadmin server
task terminate all_sessions command removes all cache
entries belonging to a specific user's login ID.
Figure 1. Terminate all userA sessions
WebSEAL checks for appropriate permissions on the initiator of
the pdadmin command before terminating user
It is important to consider the conditions under which this command
might be used. If the intent is to make sure a certain group of users are removed from the secure domain entirely, the pdadmin
server task terminate all_sessions command is only effective
when, in addition, the accounts for those users are made not valid
Certain authentication methods—such as basic authentication, client-side
certificate, LTPA cookies and failover cookies—return cached authentication information automatically with no user intervention. The pdadmin
server task terminate all_sessions command would not prevent
return logins for users using any of those authentication methods.
We must additionally invalidate the appropriate user accounts in
the registry.
When a user is logged out unexpectedly because of session termination,
the original session cookie remaining on the user's browser becomes
an old, or "stale" cookie that no longer maps to an existing entry
in the WebSEAL session cache. When the user makes a subsequent request
for a protected object, WebSEAL requires authentication and returns
a login form. We can customize the login response to contain additional
information explaining that the reason for the new login requirement.
For further information on this feature, see Customized responses for old session cookies.