Configure application servers
Use the configuration commands to enable an application server (an application that uses the authorization or administration API) to communicate with the policy server or the authorization server. An administrative user identity (for example, sec_master) and password must be specified for connecting to the policy server.
Methods Description PDAppSvrConfig.configureAppSvr Configures an application server by updating the configuration file and creating the keystore file. PDAppSvrConfig.setAppSvrListening Sets or resets the enable-listening parameter in the configuration file. PDAppSvrConfig.setAppSvrDbDir Sets the local policy database directory in the configuration file. PDAppSvrConfig.setAppSvrDbRefresh Sets the local policy database refresh interval in the configuration file PDAppSvrConfig.setAppSvrPort Changes the listening port number of the application and updates the port number in the configuration file. PDAppSvrConfig.unconfigureAppSvr Unconfigures an application server. For detailed reference information about these methods, see the Javadoc HTML documentation.
Parent topic: Configure application servers