The Registry Direct Java™ API user, group, and policy administration methods generate errors that closely match the existing user and group administration API errors.
The following table maps this relationship:
RgyException Error code Error text TimeLimitExceededRgyException ivmgrd_s_ira2_timelimit_exceeded HPDMG0765W The request made to the LDAP server exceeded the time limit configured in the server. SizeLimitExceededRgyException UnhandledRgyException ivmgrd_s_ira2_sizelimit_exceeded HPDMG0766W The search request exceeded the maximum number of entries the LDAP server can return. InvalidDnSyntaxRgyException ivmgrd_s_ira2_invalid_dn_syntax HPDMG0767E The Distinguished Name (DN) has an invalid syntax. InvalidCredentialsRgyException ivmgrd_s_ira2_invalid_credentials HPDMG0768E Unable to log in. InsufficientAccessRgyException ivmgrd_s_ira2_insufficient_access HPDMG0769E There were insufficient LDAP access privileges for ISAM to create and delete entries in the registry. ObjectClassViolationRgyException ivmgrd_s_ira2_object_class_violation HPDMG0770E The settings defined for the entry are invalid (object class violation). ContextNotEmptyRgyException ivmgrd_s_ira2_not_allowed_on_nonleaf HPDMG0771E The settings cannot delete the entry completely because it has unexpected subentries in the LDAP registry. Typically this happens when the deleted user or group is a member of another domain. AlreadyExistsRgyException ivmgrd_s_ira2_already_exists HPDMG0772W The entry exists. ServerDownRgyException ivmgrd_s_ira2_server_down HPDMG0773E The request failed because the LDAP server is down. N/A ivmgrd_s_ira2_filter_error HPDMG1052E A registry memory allocation failed. N/A ivmgrd_s_ira2_connect_error HPDMG0776E An error connecting to the LDAP server occurred. N/A ivmgrd_s_ira2_referral_limit_exceeded HPDMG0777W The LDAP referral limit was exceeded. N/A ivmgrd_s_ira2_ssl_initialize_failed HPDMG0778E The SSL initialization failed for connection to the LDAP server. N/A ivmgrd_s_ira2_ssl_param_error HPDMG0779E SSL parameter error occurred when connecting to the LDAP server. N/A ivmgrd_s_ira2_ssl_handshake_failed HPDMG0780E The SSL handshake failed when connecting to the LDAP server. N/A ivmgrd_s_ira2_ssl_get_cipher_failed HPDMG0781E SSL failed to establish the requested encryption cipher level when connecting to the LDAP server. N/A ivmgrd_s_ira2_ssl_not_available HPDMG0782E SSL was not available for connection to the LDAP server N/A ivmgrd_s_ira2_ssl_keyring_not_found HPDMG0783E The SSL Key Database file was not found for connection to the LDAP server. N/A ivmgrd_s_ira2_ssl_password_not_specified HPDMG0784E The SSL password was not specified for connection to the LDAP server. MultipleDnFoundRgyException ivmgrd_s_ira2_multiple_dn_found HPDMG0752E More than one matching Distinguished Name (DN) was found. N/A ivmgrd_s_ira2_bad_sec_login_format HPDMG0753E An invalid format of the authorization mechanism attribute was found in the user entry. NoSuchAttributeRgyException NoSuchObjectRgyException (null returned) ivmgrd_s_ira2_no_entry_found HPDMG0754W The entry was not found. If creating a user or a group, ensure the Distinguished Name (DN) specified has the correct syntax and is valid. InvalidOldPasswordRgyException ivmgrd_s_ira2_invalid_old_password HPDMG0759W The user name exists in the registry. IdAlreadyExistsRgyException ivmgrd_s_ira2_uid_already_exists HPDMG0756W Incorrect current password. IdAlreadyExistsRgyException ivmgrd_s_ira2_gid_already_exists HPDMG0760W The group name exists in the registry. N/A ivmgrd_s_ira2_not_a_user_dn HPDMG0761W The entry referred to by the Distinguished Name (DN) must be a person entry. N/A ivmgrd_s_ira2_not_a_group_dn HPDMG0762W The entry referred to by the Distinguished Name (DN) must be a group entry. N/A ivmgrd_s_ira2_ldap_not_supported HPDMG0763E LDAP is not configured as a registry of users and groups. AlreadyImportedRgyException ivmgrd_s_ira2_entry_already_secuser HPDMG0757W The Distinguished Name (DN) is already configured as a user. AlreadyImportedRgyException ivmgrd_s_ira2_entry_already_secgroup HPDMG0758W The Distinguished Name (DN) is already configured as a group. NativeIdAlreadyExistsRgyException ivmgrd_s_ira2_user_already_exists HPDMG0789W The user Distinguished Name (DN) cannot be created because it exists. NativeIdAlreadyExistsRgyException ivmgrd_s_ira2_group_already_exists HPDMG0790W The group Distinguished Name (DN) cannot be created because it exists. ErrInvalidPasswordCharsRgyException ivauthn_passwd_policy_violation HPDIA0300W Password rejected due to policy violation. ErrPolicyPwdTooShortRgyException ivauthn_passwd_too_short HPDIA0301W Password rejected due to minimum length policy. ErrPolicyPwdTooFewAlphaRgyException ivauthn_passwd_too_few_alphas HPDIA0304W Password rejected due to the minimum alphabetic characters policy. ErrPolicyPwdTooFewNonalphaRgyException ivauthn_passwd_too_few_nonalphas HPDIA0305W Password rejected due to the minimum non-alphabetic characters policy. ErrPolicyPwdTooManyRepeatedRgyException ivauthn_passwd_too_many_repeated HPDIA0303W Password rejected due to the maximum repeated characters policy. ErrPolicyPwdHasSpacesRgyException ivauthn_passwd_has_spaces HPDIA0302W Password rejected due to the spaces policy. NamingViolationRgyException ivmgrd_s_ira2_invalid_dn_syntax HPDMG0767E The Distinguished Name (DN) has an invalid syntax. PasswordSetInvalidRgyException ivauthn_account_expiredivauthn_password_expired HPDIA0204W The user password has expired. ErrPolicyAcctDisabledRgyException ivauthn_passwd_acct_disabled HPDIA0309W This account is disabled. CantChangeDynamicGroupRgyException rgy_s_ira_cant_change_dynamic_group HPDRG0200E The specified group is a dynamic group and cannot be modified. N/A rgy_s_ira_server_in_config_only_mode HPDRG0207W The LDAP server is an IBM® Tivoli Directory Server running in configuration only mode. Security Verify Access does not operate with the LDAP server in this mode. UnhandledRgyException and other RgyExceptions ivmgrd_s_ira2_internal_error HPDMG0764E An internal error occurred.
Parent topic: Old and new API errors