Viewing a reverse proxy log for an automated configuration

We can view a log file to see the steps taken during the automated configuration of a reverse proxy, such as changes to the reverse proxy configuration file and execution ISAM pdadmin administration commands.

Use the LMI to view the log created when you ran the automated configuration of the reverse proxy for one of the following uses:

The log files typically show configuration of the junction, such as /mga, and creation of the required ACLs, plus additional steps as required.


  1. Select Web > Reverse Proxy > Manage > Logging.
  2. Select the log file we want to view. The following log files are supported:

    Log file Description
    autoconfig__oauth.log Automated configuration of the reverse proxy instance with OAuth or an OIDC Connect provider.
    autoconfig__mmfa.log Automated configuration of the reverse proxy instance with MMFA, including configuration of the junction and creation of the required ACLs.
    autoconfig__federation.log Automated configuration of a federation on a reverse proxy server, to set up access between the federation and reverse proxy appliances.
  3. Click View.

    The log file displays in a new window. We can take the following actions:

    • View log output by scrolling through the display.
    • Select Number of lines to view at one time.
    • Select Starting from line to narrow the range of log file entries to view at one time.
    • Click Reload to update the display after completion of another configuration.
    • Click Export to save the log output to a file.


To view example log file output, see Example reverse proxy log for OAuth and OIDC configuration.

Parent topic: Reverse proxy configuration for OAuth and OIDC provider